Doctoral students in Computer Science
Research topic
Securing and encryption of students private data
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Implementing learning analytics to support and improve collaborative learning in an online learning environment: The case of public universities in Ghana
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Joseph Kizito Bada, Makerere University Business School
Research topic
Leveraging Discord as an e-learning tool for formal and informal education in Africa
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, UEF
- Associate Prof. Miguel Ángel Conde González, Universidad de Salamanca
Research topic
Contextualization of GenAI tool for enhancing AI education in Nigerian tetriary insitutions
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ismaila Sanusi, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Solomon Sunday Oyelere, University of Exeter
Research topic
Learning analytics in AI-assisted software development education
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
How can augmented reality enhance communication and inclusion for hearing-impaired students in classrooms?
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Nicolas Pope, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Artificial intelligent-driven software testing framework for software start-ups in Namibia.
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Tapani Toivonen
- Prof. Erkki Sutinen, University of Turku
Research publications
- Aduhilu H., Sutinen, E. (2024). Bridging the gap: Addressing software testing challenges in Namibian startups through a tailored training approach. IWSiB’24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software-intensive Business, pp. 79-86, ACM.
Research topic
Utilising eye-tracking data to diagnose early stages of Alzheimer’s disease
- Prof. Roman Bednarik, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Anne Koivisto, Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, UEF.
Research publications
- Hannonen, S., Andberg, S., Kärkkäinen, V., Rusanen, M., Lehtola, J.-M., Saari, T., Korhonen, V., Hokkanen, L., Hallikainen, M., Hänninen, T., Leinonen, V., Kaarniranta, K., Bednarik, R., Koivisto, A. (2023). Shortening of saccades as a possible easy-to-use biomarker to detect risk of Alzhaimer’s disease. Journal of Alzhaimer’s Disease, 88(2), 609-618.
Research topic
Investigating vocational training through context-aware analytics in a developing economy: An idiographic perspective
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Enhancing the identification process of learning styles using cognitive traits and considering dynamic aspects.
- Prof. Sabine Graf, Athabasca University
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF.
Research topic
From big data to person-based learning analytics: exploring the opportunities and challenges
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Sonsoles López-Pernas, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF.
Research topic
Virtual reality generation from natural language
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, Schoo of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Al Akhawayn University
Research publications
- Nacir, B., Cavalli-Sforza, V. (2023). A review of text-to-animation systems. IEEE Access, 11.
- Nacir, B., Cavalli-Sforza, V. (2018). AUI story maker: Animation generation from natural language. In: Penstein Rosé, C., et al. Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10948. Springer, Cham.
Research topic
Computer-supported collaborative learning for accounting education: A social network analysis in developing country context
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Emmanuel Awuni Kolog, University of Ghana.
- Prof. Matti Tedre, UEF, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Improving simulation-based healthcare education through human actors and wearable technology
- Prof. Kinshuk, University of North Texas
- Dr. Richard A.W. Tortorella, University of North Texas
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
Research publications
- Brown, W.J., & Kinshuk (2022). Improving simulation-based healthcare education through human actors, wearable, and web-based technology. 2022 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), pp. 411-413, IEEE.
- Brown, W.J., & Reid, C. (2022). Implementing a cost effective and configurable hybrid simulation platform in healthcare education, using wearable and web-based technologies. Smart Learning Environments, 9(20).
Research topic
Smart learning environment: A framework for smart devices and social media in identifying learning
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Assistant Prof. Fred Agbo, Willamette University
Research publications
- Denojean-Mairet, M., López-Pernas, S., Agbo, F.J, & Tedre, M. (2024). A literature review on the integration of microlearning and social media. Smart Learning Environments, 11.
Research topic
Using learning analytics for disadvantaged groups: Design, implementation, and best practice
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF.
Research publications
- Deriba, F.G., Saqr, M., & Tukiainen, M. (2024). Assessment of accessbility in virtural laboratories: A systematic review. Frontiers in Education.
- Deriba, F.G., Saqr, M., Tukiainen, M. (2024). Exploring barriers and challenges to accessibility in virtual laboratories: a preliminary review. In Elmoazen, R., López-Pernas, S., Misiejuk, K., Khalil, M., Wasson, B., Saqr, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories workshop (TELL 2023), CEUR-WS
Research topic
Developing generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for supporting students with learning disabilities in Kenyan universities
- Dr. Ismaila Sanusi, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Solomon Sunday Oyelere, University of Exeter
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Intelligent software development methods
- Dr. Marko Jäntti, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
CSCSCL model for optimizing nonlinear storyline in DIS.
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Situating participatory design methods to innovate educational technology in the context of indigenous Pakistani community
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Mikko Apiola, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Andrés Moreno, European Chemicals Agency
Research publications
- Hassan, M. M., Tukiainen, M., & Qureshi, A. N. (2019). Participatory heuristic evaluations of Jeliot Mobile: End-users evaluating usability of their mlearning application. In 2019 4th Technology Innovation Management and
Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. - Hassan, M. M., Tukiainen, M., & Qureshi, A. N. (2019). (Un) Discounted usability: Evaluating low-budget educational technology projects with dual-personae evaluators. In Proceedings of the 2019 8th International
Conference on Software and Information Engineering (pp. 253-258). ACM. - Hassan, M. M., Qureshi, A. N., Moreno, A., & Tukiainen, M. (2017). Participatory refinement of participatory outcomes: Students iterating over the design of an interactive mobile learning application. In 2017 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTICE) (pp. 76-81). IEEE.
- Hassan, M. M., Moreno, A., Sutinen, E., & Aziz, A. (2015). On the participatory design of Jeliot mobile: towards a socio-constructivist mlearning tool. In 2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and
Engineering (pp. 120-123). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/LaTiCE.2015.35.
Research topic
We live, we create – A study on digital game design in inter-contextual
and intergenerational set
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Erkki Sutinen, University of Turku
- Prof. Teemu Laine, Ajou University
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research publications
- Havukainen, M., Laine, T.H., Kontkanen, S., Järvikylä, J., & Sutinen, E. (2024). Co-designing digital games across the boundary of childhood and youth. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
- Havukainen, M., Laine, T.H., Martikainen, T., & Sutinen, E. (2020). A case study on co-designing digital games with older adults and children: Game elements, assests, and challenges. The Computer Games Journal, 9, 163-188.
- Havukainen, M., Gupta, K., Wolhurter C., Sutinen, E., & Laine, T.H. (2016). Inter-contextual design: A new model for learning technologies. Proceedings of the EdMedia+Innovative Learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC.
- Havukainen, M., Gupta, K., Wolhurter, C., & Sutinen, E. (2014). How to revive building blocks by digitalization. Proceedings of the EdMedia+Innovative Learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC.
Research topic
Process mining and automatic feedback as a tool to support self-regulated learning
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Assistant Prof. Jonna Malmberg, University of Oulu
Research publications
- Heikkinen, S., Cristea, T., Saqr, M., Malmberg, J., Kleindelg, A., Snijerds, C., Matzat, U. & Tedre, M. (2024). Sequence analysis and process mining perspectives to goal setting: What distinguishes business students with high and low self-efficacy beliefs? Smart Learning Environments, 11(40).
- Heikkinen, S., López-Pernas, S., Malmberg, J., Tedre, M., & Saqr, M. (2023). How do business students self-regulate their project management learning? A sequence mining study. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS.
- Heikkinen, S., Saqr, M., Malmberg, J., & Tedre, M. (2022). Supporting self-regulated learning with learning analytics interventions – a systematic literature review. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 3059-3088.
Research topic
The use of machine translation techniques for Gĩkũyũ to English language
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Kimmo Kettunen, School of Humanities, UEF
Research topic
Web-based financial management skills training for women in informal saving groups in urban Tanzania.
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Alsen Florian Kapinga,College of Business Education
- Dr. Nasibu Rajabu Mramba, College of Business Education
Research publications
- Juma, M., Mramba, N.R., Kapinga, A.F., Suhonen, J., & Tedre, M. (2023). Smartphone use in financial management among women´s informal saving groups in Dodoma, Tanzania. The African Journal of Information Systems,15(2).
Research topic
Using digital micro certificates in the recognition and validation of skills of the informal sector in Africa
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Erick Gankam Tambo, United Nations University
Research topic
Facilitating collaborative group work at scale using learning analytics
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Joseph Kizito Bada, Makerere University Business School
Research topic
Design and development of a virtual reality-based game to teach cryptography in higher education institutions
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Assistant Prof. Fred Agbo, Willamette University.
Research topic
Motivation drivers for ICT professionals
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Marko Jäntti, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Tracking the longitudinal evolution of community empowerment and upward financial mobility in enterprise education with learning analytics
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Malak Zaalouk, The American University of Cairo.
Research topic
The impact of emotions on the success of educational escape rooms
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Tiina Törmänen, University of Oulu
Research topic
K-9 teachers in the era of artificial intelligence: new literacies, competencies and perceptions
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Henriikka Vartiainen, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, UEF
- Assitant Professor Pekka Mertala, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Jyväskylä
- Research topic
Understanding of the needs and of AI/ML technologies and learning environments for novice learners from the perspective of robotics
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Nicolas Pope, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Henriikka Vartiainen, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education
Research topic
Exploring community-based learning approach to Artificial Intelligence literacy
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ismaila Sanusi, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Development of the mobile-learning application to enhance computer programming among students in higher education instructions (HLIs) through computational thinking (CT). A case study of the College of Business Education (CBE) in Tanzania.
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Ismaila Sanusi, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Godfrey Mwandosya, Columbia College.
Research topic
Improving teacher effectiveness by integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into teacher education and development programs in Eritrea: Local context within local perspectives.
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Capturing the process of clinical reasoning in medical simulation using learning analytics
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF.
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Ioannis Parodis, Karolinska Institutet
Research topic
Machine learning curriculum for teaching pre-service teachers of compulsory education in Tanzania
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Mikko Apiola, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Co-designing robotics for learning machine learning: A case of high school children in Uganda
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Joseph Kizito Bada, Makerere University Business School.
Research topic
Educational robotics and visualization tool aided machine intelligence education
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Multimodal learning analytics for game-based learning
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Professor Ahmed Tlili, Beijing Normal University
Research topic
Feasibility and future prospects for sustainable technology teaching: Organizing STEM activities for young pupils in a Namibian context
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Jacob Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark
Research topic
Enhancing programming education with effective integration of generative AI, and addressing accessibility concerns
- Associate Prof. Solomon Sunday Oyelere, University of Exeter
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Developing cultural awareness and intercultural communication skills through on-line interaction and instructional web-based technology in an educational context
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Calkin Suero Montero, Uppsala University
- Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, Universita della Svizerra italiana
Research topic
Improving programming education in a developing country: A case of Tumaini University – Iringa
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Developing future teachers for machine learning education
- Dr. Ismaila Sanusi, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
The impact of agile methods on the customer experience
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research publications
- Piiroinen, R., Jormanainen, I., & Tukiainen, M. (2024). Positive customer experience is enhanced by effective agile practices. In: Hyrynsalmi, S., Münch, J., Smolander, K., Melegati, J. (Eds.) Software Business. ICSOB 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 500, pp. 386–399, Springer, Cham.
Research topic
Exploring the use of ICT to enhance access to market among smallholder farmers: A case of horticulture industry in Tanzania
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ezra Misaki, College of Business Education
- Dr. William Gomera, College of Business Education
Research topic
AD/HD and educational games: A complementary alternative for AD/HD detection and treatment in students
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Erkko Sointu, School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Sabine Graf, Athabasca University
Research topic
User interaction in Extended Reality (XR)
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Marko Jäntti, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Business Information Management in media industries across various business activities
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University
Research topic
Promoting computer programming education in Ethiopia using context-ware tools
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Samuel Yigzaw, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Temtim Assefa, Addis Ababa University
Research topic
Digitalization in education: From computer-assisted education to era of AI and learning analytics
- Prof. Matti Tedre, UEF
Researh topic
Design and implementation of co-design pedagogical scenarios for learning computational thinking
- Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Friday Agbo, Willamette University
- Dr. Ikka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research publications
- Sunday, A.O., Agbo, F.J., & Suhonen, J. (2024). Co-design pedagogy for computational thinking education in K-12: A systematic literature review. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Research topic
Effective management of ICT innovation and its impact to SDG: Case studies in Eritrea.
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF.
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF.
Research topic
Designing a gamified learning framework for K-12 AI education an integrated approach
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Sonsoles López-Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Juho Kahila, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, UEF.
Research topic
Learning novel motor skills in virtual reality
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen, School of Computing, UEF
Research topic
Mobile escape rooms for teaching programming in higher education in Nigeria
- Dr. Sonsoles Lopéz-Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Aldo Gordillo Méndez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Research topic
Build a personalized online course design model based on differentiated instruction principles and practices
- Prof. Markku Tukiainen, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Kinshuk, University of North Texas
- Prof. Cindy Ives, Athabasca University
- Dr. Fuhua Lee, Athabasca University
Research topic
Impact of the use of authentic learning traces in post secondary Information Technology education
- Prof. Matti Tedre, School of Computing, UEF
- Prof. Kinshuk, University of North Texas
- Dr. Richard A.W. Tortorella, University of North Texas
Research topic
A method combines real-time multimodal learning analysis and personalized virtual patient analysis to analyze medical students’ clinical reasoning in medical emergencies
- Dr. Sonsoles López-Pernas, School of Computing, UEF
- Associate Prof. Mohammed Saqr, School of Computing, UEF