Joensuu 19.-21.3.2024
The program for the event in Joensuu is gathered on this page There may be changes and additions to the program. The event takes place on campus unless otherwise stated for individual programs.
Opening ceremony, at 11–12, Carelia lobby area
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies’ vice-dean Minna Tanskanen’s speech at klo 11 (FI)
- Professor Antti Belinskj’s speech ” Ympäristöllinen kestävyys ja oikeusjärjestelmä” at 11.15 (FI)
- Sustainability Cafe, at 10.30–12.30
- In the Sustainability Café, the significant impact of small choices in everyday life will be explored. Do small actions truly change the world or do they? What could we do differently in our choices in food, housing, and transportation? Come for a coffee and join the discussion, and don’t forget to bring your own mug. The event is organized by students from the “Sustainable Development in Food and Nutrition Systems” course / Master’s students in Home Economics.
UEF as a promoter of sustainable development, at 12–12.30, Carelia lobby area
- Kestävän kehityksen asiantuntijan Maiju Eskelinen katsaus siihen, mitä Itä-Suomen yliopisto on viime vuosina tehnyt kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi ja mikä on tie eteenpäin. Lopussa aikaa kysymyksille, kommenteille ja uusille ideoille.
What do I do with these?, at 10-14, Educa’s SenseLab -research space
- How do you recycle your clothes and home textiles? Come to UEF’s new multi-purpose research space, SenseLab, in Educa building and take part in a research.
Different aspect of social sustainability by LLLSUS, at 13–16, AU208
- The non-stop learning café will address the key social sustainability aspects of the programme through participatory and active methods.
- The learning café is both in English and in Finnish.
There also following booths at Carelia lobby area:
- The Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL), at 10-12
- Information about CCEEL’s research and MDPs ‘
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning, at 10–15
- Biodiversiteetti-koulutuksen ja jatkuvan oppimisen tarjonnan esittelypiste
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
- Compass Group leading the way in responsibility – How sustainability shows on your plate, at 10.30-13.30
- There are so many things that affect sustainability on our plates, and how we can influence it through our own choices.
- In the display booth, Compass Group presents their sustainability actions and what they have already accomplished together with UEF as partners
- Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
- Sustainable textiles and extending the lifespan of clothes by repairing and modifying them, at 11–16
- At the booth, you can receive guidance and assistance on repairing clothing, for instance visible mending, darning socks, or using a sewing machine for repairing clothes. The booth is equipped with tools such as a sewing machine, wool threads and needles. In addition, there are self-guided materials, which provide information about different fibers and their qualities and how they affect the durability, usability, eco-friendliness, and care of clothing. The organizers are students in Craft Science.
- Sustainable Lifestyle club’s “Swap your clothes” booth, at 10-16
- Swap your clothes is an event where everyone can bring clothes or other items (shoes, accessories, etc) in good condition, which can be exchanged with others – free of cost. The goal is to extend the lifespan of clothing items that no longer serve a purpose for you but can serve for others. Bring one item (or 2,3…), take one item (or 2,3…). All items must be clean and in good condition.
- In addition, the booth will be promoting sustainability education about the environmental impacts of textile industry, with some visual materials like posters and sensorial activities
CCEEL’s (The Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law) panel with presentation from Climate, Water, Energy and Sustainability, at 10-12, AU205 (EN)
- Established in 2013 at the Law School of the University of Eastern Finland, CCEEL has grown into a thriving academic community. Currently, CCEEL comprises four research groups focusing on Climate Change Law, Energy Law, Environmental Law, and Sustainability Law. These groups actively collaborate with both domestic and international partners, engaging in multidisciplinary research. With a focus on excellence, the Center also serves as a shared platform for discussions and education in these fields.
- During the upcoming event, CCEEL members will showcase selected research activities and projects, providing attendees with a glimpse into the dynamic world of multidisciplinary research and collaborations that define the Center’s work.
What do I do with these?, at 10-14, Educa’s SenseLab -research space
- How do you recycle your clothes and home textiles? Come to UEF’s new multi-purpose research space, SenseLab, in Educa building and take part in a research.
Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution (ECCR) network, at 12.15-13.30, M109 (EN)
- 12:15 – 12:30 – History of Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution (ECCR) network – Irmeli Mustalahti
- 12:30 – 13:00 – ECCR case studies in Finland, Tanzania, Uganda – Denis Dobrynin
- 13:00 – 13:30 – Q&A session
Youth advocacy: getting involved in the green transition, at 14.30-16, AG108
- AEGEE-Joensuu’s interactive workshop on how to get engaged in environmental/climate advocacy and activism as a young person. The aim is to empower young people and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to begin engaging in climate policy-making and get involved in the green transition in their region. Everyone is welcome: from seasoned climate advocates to newcomers.
- The workshop will be hosted by Hanna Höijer, a 19-year-old political science student and Finland’s youth climate delegate. As a delegate, she represents the voice of her generation in national and international climate-related debate and decision-making, for example at UN climate conferences. She has extensive experience in the field of organisations and working on sustainability themes, including working on the boards of the Youth Agenda2030 and the UN Youth organisations in Finland.
- All workshop participants will also receive an overall patch!
There also following booths at Carelia lobby area:
- Sustainability Cafe, at 10.30–12.30
- In the Sustainability Café, the significant impact of small choices in everyday life will be explored. Do small actions truly change the world or do they? What could we do differently in our choices in food, housing, and transportation? Come for a coffee and join the discussion, and don’t forget to bring your own mug. The event is organized by students from the “Sustainable Development in Food and Nutrition Systems” course / Master’s students in Home Economics.
- Biodiversity education, at 10–15
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
- Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
- Sustainable textiles and extending the lifespan of clothes by repairing and modifying them, at 11–16
- Pisteellä saa neuvontaa ja ohjausta korjaamiseen, kuten näkyvään paikkaamiseen, sukan parsintaan tai vaatteen korjaamiseen ompelukoneella. Pisteellä on käytettävissä mm. ompelukone, villalankoja ja neuloja. Näiden lisäksi pisteellä on itseohjautuvaan tutustumiseen painottuvaa materiaalia, joissa saa tietoa eri kuiduista ja niiden ominaisuuksista, kuinka ne vaikuttavat vaatteen kestävyyteen, käytettävyyteen, ekologisuuteen ja vaatehuoltoon. Järjestäjänä toimivat käsityötieteen opiskelijat
- Sustainable Lifestyle club’s “Swap your clothes” booth, at 10-16
- Swap your clothes is an event where everyone can bring clothes or other items (shoes, accessories, etc) in good condition, which can be exchanged with others – free of cost. The goal is to extend the lifespan of clothing items that no longer serve a purpose for you but can serve for others. Bring one item (or 2,3…), take one item (or 2,3…). All items must be clean and in good condition.
- In addition, the booth will be promoting sustainability education about the environmental impacts of textile industry, with some visual materials like posters and sensorial activities
- Saimaa ringed seal research, at 10–15
- The Saimaa ringed seal research project at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) provides the scientific basis for the conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal population. The research group investigates ringed seal biology, estimate different risk factors, and develops new methods for conservation and monitoring. Research results have direct applications in conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal.
Open lecture: Managing accelerated green transition projects – Can streamlining, acceptability, and preventing environmental harms occur simultaneously?, at 10-12, AG102 (FI)
- Lainsäätäjälle, lainsoveltajille ja laajalle yleisölle tarkoitetut professori Ismo Pölösen asiantuntijaluento sääntelykeinoista ja käytännöistä oikeudenmukaisen ja ympäristöllisesti kestävän vihreän siirtymän tukemiseksi
- Luentoja on mahdollista seurata linkin kautta.
Panel of UEF’s research communities: environmental change and sustainable use of natural resources, at 13.15–14.15, Carelia lobby area
- Research communities Forests and Bioeconomy (FOBI), Sustainable Co-management of Water Resources and Aquatic Environments (WATER) and Photonics arrange a panel together
- Jan Kunnas hosts the panel and the panelists are Jouni Pykäläinen, Irmeli Mustalahti and Jyrki Saarinen
Workshop: hope through action, at 14.30–16, AU202 (FI)
- Työpaja tarjoaa nuorille käytännöllisiä eväitä ympäristö- ja ilmastovaikuttamiseen sekä valottaa toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä psykologisia työkaluja. Työpajassa osallistujat pääsevät pohtimaan itselleen sopivia vaikuttamisen muotoja sekä tutustumaan yhteisöllisiin tapoihin toimia planeettamme hyväksi.
- Työpajaa ohjaa psykologi ja ympäristövaikuttaja Juni Sinkkonen. Hän toimii ympäristötunteiden asiantuntijana Tunne ry:ssä.
- Työpajan järjestää AEGEE-Joensuu ry
There also following booths at Carelia lobby area:
- Sustainability Cafe, at 10.30–12.30
- In the Sustainability Café, the significant impact of small choices in everyday life will be explored. Do small actions truly change the world or do they? What could we do differently in our choices in food, housing, and transportation? Come for a coffee and join the discussion, and don’t forget to bring your own mug. The event is organized by students from the “Sustainable Development in Food and Nutrition Systems” course / Master’s students in Home Economics.
- Biodiversity education, at 10-15
- Biodiversiteetti-koulutuksen ja jatkuvan oppimisen tarjonnan esittelypiste
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
- Sustainable textiles and extending the lifespan of clothes by repairing and modifying them, at 11–16
- At the booth, you can receive guidance and assistance on repairing clothing, for instance visible mending, darning socks, or using a sewing machine for repairing clothes. The booth is equipped with tools such as a sewing machine, wool threads and needles. In addition, there are self-guided materials, which provide information about different fibers and their qualities and how they affect the durability, usability, eco-friendliness, and care of clothing. The organizers are students in Craft Science.
- Sustainable Lifestyle club’s “Swap your clothes” booth, at 10-16
- Swap your clothes is an event where everyone can bring clothes or other items (shoes, accessories, etc) in good condition, which can be exchanged with others – free of cost. The goal is to extend the lifespan of clothing items that no longer serve a purpose for you but can serve for others. Bring one item (or 2,3…), take one item (or 2,3…). All items must be clean and in good condition.
- In addition, the booth will be promoting sustainability education about the environmental impacts of textile industry, with some visual materials like posters and sensorial activities
- Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
- ISYY’s booth, at 12-14
- Students can give their ideas on how to make the Student Union or the university more environmentally friendly.
Tapahtuman aikana Carelian aulatilassa on esillä postereita UEF:ssa tehtävästä kestävyysaiheisesta opetuksesta ja tutkimuksesta. Postereihin voi käydä vapaasti tutustumassa tapahtuman ajan.
Additional program during the event
Climate food weeksCompass Group’s Climate food weeks will be held from March 11 to March 24, 2024. Through the link, you can find futher information about Climate food weeks in Finnish.
Small Eco-Acts of Everyday Life -surveyDuring the event, Small Eco-Acts of Everyday Life -survey will be conducted for the university community members.