Kuopio 12.-14.3.2024
The program for the event in Kuopio is gathered on this page. There may be changes and additions to the program. Please note that part of the program is only in Finnish. The event takes place on campus unless otherwise stated for individual programs.
Opening ceremony, at 11–12, Snellmania lobby area
- Rector Jukka Mönkkönen’s speech at 11 (FI)
- Professori Arto O. Salonen speech “Minä, yhteiskunta ja planeetta” at 11.15 (FI)
- Coffee service from 11.30 onwards for the first 50 people
UEF as a promoter of sustainable development, at 12–12.30, Snellmania lobby area (FI)
- Kestävän kehityksen asiantuntijan Maiju Eskelinen katsaus siihen, mitä Itä-Suomen yliopisto on viime vuosina tehnyt kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi ja mikä on tie eteenpäin. Lopussa aikaa kysymyksille, kommenteille ja uusille ideoille.
Microplastic research, from 13 onwards, Snellmania lobby area
- Presentation of posters on microplastic research
Biodiversity education, at 10–15, Snellmania lobby area
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
What the tex***e?, at 10-15, Snellmania lobby area
- Hyeena ry’s booth focuses on textile care and education as well as textile recycling. At the booth, you can make your own overall patch by using recycled materials. The student association presents various textile materials and textile pests and provides information sources for textile care. It’s also possible to do some minor textile maintenance, such as lint removal, at the booth.
Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15, Snellmania lobby area
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
Sustainable thinking and environmental economics, at 10–11, Snellmania lobby area (FI)
- Tutkijatohtori Teemu Koskimäen puheenvuoro ekologisen taloustieteen vaikutuksista maailmanlaajuiseen ja suomalaiseen kestävyysajatteluun: Menneisyydestä nykyisyyteen ja tulevaisuuden näkymiin.
Workshop: responsibly in exchange, at 11–14, SN205 (FI)
- Oletko suunnitellut vaihto-opintoja tai kv-harjoittelua, mutta mietit vaihdon vastuullisuutta? Miten vaihdossa voisi huomioida kestävän kehityksen eri näkökulmia? Tule mukaan ideoimaan kestävämpää kansainvälistymistä!
Biodiversity education, at 10–15, Snellmania lobby area
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
What the tex***e?, at 10-15, Snellmania lobby area
- Hyeena ry’s booth focuses on textile care and education as well as textile recycling. At the booth, you can make your own overall patch by using recycled materials. The student association presents various textile materials and textile pests and provides information sources for textile care. It’s also possible to do some minor textile maintenance, such as lint removal, at the booth.
Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15, Snellmania lobby area
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
Other program
- Introduction of the locked bicycle shelter, at the shelter at 8–9 and 15–16
- Introduction of the bicycle shelter located in front of the Snellmania building at Kuopio campus, Facilities Management/ Atte Jäntti
- Information about the parking space reservation and fees can be found from here.
- More information about the bicycle shelter can be found from Heimo’s news
- More information from anne.sulkakoski@uef.fi
#SmartForGoodLIVE: Environmental liability or greenwashing?
- Mistä vastuullisuusajatus rakentuu? Mitä on yritysten ympäristövastuu ja vastuullisuusviestintä? Miten viherpesun tunnistaa? #SmartForGoodLIVE -virtuaaliset aamukahvit 14.3. klo 8.30-9.15 pureutuu ympäristövastuuseen.
- Lisätietoa virtuaalisista kahveista löytyy linkin kautta.
Research Center for Sustainable Circular Economy and Sustainable Resource Society: Circular Economy, Energy and Raw Materials -research community, at 10-14, Snellmania lobby area
- Display booth at the lobby area
Compass Group leading the way in responsibility – How sustainability shows on your plate
- There are so many things that affect sustainability on our plates, and how we can influence it through our own choices.
- In the display booth, Compass Group presents their sustainability actions and what they have already accomplished together with UEF as partners
Saimaa ringed seal research, at 11–14, Snellmania lobby area
- The Saimaa ringed seal research project at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) provides the scientific basis for the conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal population. The research group investigates ringed seal biology, estimate different risk factors, and develops new methods for conservation and monitoring. Research results have direct applications in conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal.
Biodiversity education, at 10–15, Snellmania lobby area
- Display booth of Biodiversity education and continuous learning
- You can find more information projects related to Biodiversity education can be found at
What the tex***e?, at 10-15, Snellmania lobby area
- Hyeena ry’s booth focuses on textile care and education as well as textile recycling. At the booth, you can make your own overall patch by using recycled materials. The student association presents various textile materials and textile pests and provides information sources for textile care. It’s also possible to do some minor textile maintenance, such as lint removal, at the booth.
Talent Hub Eastern Finland – do you need help for recruitement, at 11-15, Snellmania lobby area
- We ensure that international students who come to our region find their place, secure employment, and integrate into Eastern Finland. We will help students get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ everyday operations. Our goal is a welcoming and inclusive Eastern Finland that offers work, livelihood and a good life to everyone living in the region.
The endangered habitats of Finland: coastline and fen swamps, at 12-12.30, online session
- In this short documentary-movie, you will be introduced to two endangered habitats in Finland, the fen swamps and the sand beach and dunes. You will understand why these habitats are endangered and how anthropogenic actions have been affecting them. This documentary was created by Tommi Luoma as a project work for the course Biodiversity.now B. The goal of this course is to provide a practical approach to biodiversity and biodiversity crisis through multidisciplinary projects. Tommi Luoma is an assistant researcher in the Biodiful project.
- Link to the online session
There are posters displayed about sustainability-themed teaching and research at UEF in Snellmania lobby area. Feel free to explore the posters during the event.
Additional program during the event
Climate food weeksCompass Group’s Climate food weeks will be held from March 11 to March 24, 2024. Through the link, you can find futher information about Climate food weeks in Finnish.
Small Eco-Acts of Everyday Life -surveyDuring the event, Small Eco-Acts of Everyday Life -survey will be conducted for the university community members.