University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
Metria Building, Yliopistokatu 7, 80100, Joensuu
Eastern European Time (EET/UTC +2).
12.00–13.00 Keynote AIJA LULLE: Brexit and EU Migrants in London. Room M106
13.00–13.30 Coffee
13.30–17.00 Student papers. Room M106
Evening program: film screening (free and open for everyone)
Restaurant Kerubi, Siltakatu 1 (Ilosaari), 80100 Joensuu
19.00 Introduction to the film by Keina Espiñeira
19.15 The Colour of the Sea: A Filmic Border Experience in Ceuta (28 min).
19.45 Q&A, Discussion
The Colour of the Sea: A Filmic Border Experience in Ceuta (2015) focuses on African migrants on the border of the Spanish enclave of Ceuta on the coast of Morocco. It is a collaborative artwork made together with the migrants who succeed in despectaculizing the border. The film was nominated for the European Short Film Awards and it was produced in the framework of the EUBORDERSCAPES (EU, FP7) project coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland.
Keina Espiñeira is a scholar and artist. She is a Research Associate with the Societies in Motion research team (ESOMI), at the Department of Sociology and Audiovisual Communication of the University of A Coruña (Spain).
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
Metria Building, Yliopistokatu 7, 80100, Joensuu
Eastern European Time (EET/UTC +2).
12.15–12.30 Opening and welcome. Lecture hall M101
Chairperson of the Organising Committee Tiina Sotkasiira
Academic rector Tapio Määttä
12.30–13.30 Keynote PARVATI RAGHURAM: Feminist, postcolonial, decolonial: Articulations with migration theory and practice. Lecture hall M101
Chair: Tiina Sotkasiira
13.30–14.00 Coffee break
14.00-15.30 Working Groups 1
WS 1. Activist research in practice: Methodological and ethical conversations. Room M105
WS 3. Border Crossings in the Human-Nature Relationship. Room M305
WS 4. Forms of mobility in cultural representations of migration. Room M304
WS 5. Literary constructions of mobilities and migration: Mobile lives, translocal stories. Room M106
WS 12. The war in Ukraine: humanitarian, political, and social consequences of the crisis. Room M108
WS 13 Transnational death: migration, everyday, crises. Room M110
WS 14. Whiteness and national belonging in Finland. Room M109
WS 15a. New Directions in Ethnic and Migration Research. Room M107 / Online
DISCUSSION EVENT: Anchoring European migration research to social justice M303
15.45-16.45 Keynote AMPORN JIRATTIKORN: Masculinity for sale: Shan migrant male sex workers in Chiang Mai, Thailand and the performance of manhood. Lecture hall M101
Chair: Joni Virkkunen
17.00–18.30 Working Groups 2
WS 1. Activist research in practice: Methodological and ethical conversations. Room M105
WS 4. Forms of mobility in cultural representations of migration. Room M304
WS 7. Mobile family lives and local-global complexity. Room M303
WS 11. Religious complexities and diversities. Room M305 / Online
WS 12. The war in Ukraine: humanitarian, political, and social consequences of the crisis. Room M108
WS 14. Whiteness and national belonging in Finland. Room M109
WS 15b. New Directions in Ethnic and Migration Research. Room M107 / Online
19.30-> Conference dinner and evening program for registered participants
Restaurant Kerubi, Siltakatu 1 (Ilosaari), 80100 Joensuu
For participants, who paid the dinner ticket (32€) when registering for the conference.
Welcome to SALATAIDEKAPAKKA – THE ART SPEAKEASY, where the drinks on the menu are pieces of performative art, short shots, and house specials.
Join us and be intoxicated by art!
Evening program arranged by Pohjois-Karjalan Kansanteatteri Pokka

FRIDAY 25.11.
9.00–10.45 Working Groups 3
WS 1. Activist research in practice: Methodological and ethical conversations. Room M105
WS 2. Between the law and the migrant: emancipatory and marginalizing relationship. Room M304
WS 5. Literary constructions of mobilities and migration: Mobile lives, translocal stories. Room M106
WS 6. Migration and resettlement in rural settings. Room M305
WS 7. Mobile family lives and local-global complexity. Room M303
WS 9b. Migration at European borders M302 / Online
WS13 Transnational death: migration, everyday, crises. Room M110
WS 14. Whiteness and national belonging in Finland. Room M109
WS 15c. New Directions in Ethnic and Migration Research. Room M107 / Online
10.45–11.15 Coffee break
11.15–12.15 Keynote OLGA FILIPPOVA: Home-leaving and home-making: Forced migration, liminality and strategies of integration. Lecture hall M101
Chair: Olga Davydova-Minguet
12.15–13.00 Presentation of the Etmu Award and Closing of the conference
Chairs: Saara Koikkalainen & Johanna Ennser-Kananen
Note: All the times displayed in the programme follow Eastern European Time (EET/UTC +2). We reserve the right to make changes if necessary.