Ultrasound laboratory
Ultrasound techniques
The laboratory is equipped for versatile ultrasonic measurements and applications. Techniques and instruments are suited for in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo experiments.
Devices and instrumentation
- Ultrasound modelling and simulation (Rayleigh, FEM, k-space, …)
- Vector impedance analyzer for electric impedance measurements
- Needle hydrophones
- 3D positioning systems with μm scale movements
- Radiation force balance with forwarded/reflected electric power measurement
- Commercial Schlieren system
- Laser vibrometer for surface velocity and displacement measurements
- High-speed ultrasound system for ultrasound research (Verasonics Vantage 128TM)
- 128 transmit-receive channels
- Linear array transducer
- Synthetic Schlieren Tomography (SST) system
- The SST system is developed specifically for ultrasound field characterization and calibration. The prototype system uses pulsed LED light as an illumination source.
Supporting hardware
- High bandwidth oscilloscope, high speed digitizer
- RF sources and RF amplifiers
- Ultrasound pulser – receiver (spike, square wave)
- Air-backed transducers for high power applications
- Pulse – echo transducers with varying center frequencies
- Ultrasound imaging phantom
- Vacuum chamber (biological samples, material curing)
- Water degasser