Mastering the Research Data!
5 ECTS, Aug 5th – 16th 2024, UEF Summer School (link to application, DL June 15th)

University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Library provides this course as a part of UEF Summer School curriculum.
Course description
Mastering the Research Data! Course introduces all phases of research data management and provides examples from various disciplines and data types.
The course explores the following questions
- How do different research methods and research questions relate to managing of the data?
- How do researchers perceive their own relationship to their data (feelings, experiences, everyday challenges)?
- How and what kinds of digital tools are used in data collection, management and analysis?
- What is meant by data description and documentation, and how to carry it out in practice?
- What kind of ethical and legal issues are involved in data management?
- How can open science be implemented with different kinds of research data and methods?
- How to make research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable and how they are implemented?
- How can data be stored during the research, or how can it be opened and stored after the research?
Course details
Schedule: Aug 5th – 16th 2024, from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 3 pm (details in Moodle once the course is opened)
Modes of study: Pre assignment, active participation in contact teaching (e.g., following lectures, group exercises), independent study (e.g., reading materials provided during the course), outputs/final assignments (Data Management Plan, a poster about RDM).
For whom: The course is intended for doctoral students and for Master’s degree students in the final stages of their studies who are planning doctoral studies.
Lecturers: Guest lecturers and information specialists in research data management from UEF Library presenting different research fields and methods (see below).
Application: Through UEF Summer School
Link to Peppi
Contact persons / coordinating teachers (UEF Library): Minna Rahnasto-Rilla, Manna Satama, Anne Karhapää (study leave until the course starts), Kaisa Hartikainen (first name.last
Course coordinator: Niko Niskanen (UEF Library)
Learning objectives
After completing the course, the student is able to
- identify the special characteristics of their research data and compare it with the data from other fields of research
- explain what constitutes good data management, the use of metadata that supports research, and good scientific practices related to data at different stages of research
- apply good and responsible data management practices in all phases of the research
- write a Data Management Plan (DMP) as a part of the research plan and to update the DMP
- implement open science in data management, process and describe research data in a way that enables data reuse (sharing, archiving).
Guest lecturers in alphabetical order (name and the title of the lecture or theme, if the title is not decided yet)
- Capra, Janne. Title: Too much data?? Data handling in Cell and Tissue Imaging Unit
- Hakola, Outi. Theme: The relationship between data management and processing, analysis and reporting of qualitative data (in practice)
- Kainulainen, Samu. Theme: Data repository and UEF SmartSleep Lab
- Kaislaniemi, Samuli. Title: Working with 20 000 digital images: Pipelines and practices for archival work
- Keckman-Koivuniemi, Hannele. Title: FSD services for opening and reusing research data.
- Kiiskinen, Harri. Theme: The role of data management and a data management specialist in a research project.
- Kilpeläinen, Mia. Theme: Research ethics, highly sensitive data
- Laitinen, Mikko. Theme/title: Working with social media data.
- Latonen, Leena. Title: Managing the plethora of data types in biomedical research
- Miettinen, Pauli. Title: Program Code as Data and Metadata – Data Management in Data Science
- Oinas, Tomi. Title: Transformations & coding of numerical data
- Peltoniemi, Aaron. Title: Learning through citizen science
- Pöhner, Ina. Theme: FAIR data, big data in health sciences/pharmacy (collecting, processing, documenting)
- Rautionaho, Paula. Title: Reproducibility and transparency (in linguistics)
- Ristikari, Tiina. Title: The use of administrative records (ie.registers) for research purpose (Finnnish Birth Cohorts 1987, 1997)
- Skaldina, Oksana. Theme/title: Biodiversity research data management (fieldwork, Design of Ecological and Environmental Experiments course)
- Taipale, Irene. Title: A case study utilizing social media data (in doctoral research)
- Tolppanen, Anna-Maija. Theme/title: Ethics and the life cycle of sensitive data in health sciences (pharmacy) & Act of the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (in Finnish, toisiolaki).
UEF Library information specialists in alphabetical order
- Karhapää, Anne. Theme/title: Ethical and juridical aspects of data management and open science – examples from digital ethnography.
- Rahnasto-Rilla, Minna. Theme/title: Research Data Management in “Health Science” (In vitro data, documentation and metadata)
- Satama, Manna. Theme/title: Research Data Management in “traditional humanities research” (archives, documents, images, texts)