Our imaging core facility provides the instruments to image biological processes from tissues to single cells and subcellular molecular kinetics with both conventional and high-throughput methods. We offer personal user training and support for imaging of fixed or live tissues or cells, including consultation on experimental set up, sample preparation and image processing and analysis. The services include a modern histology laboratory equipped with modern devices and services.

Cell and Tissue Imaging Unit is part of the Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node (FiAM) of Euro-BioImaging Finland.

We are located in the Institute of Biomedicine

NB! The doors to the imaging unit premises are locked 24/7. You can apply for a key through your unit’s or department’s key responsible person.

Confocal microscopes and Leica THUNDER are located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3151

Opera Phenix Plus high-content confocal imaging system is located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3153 (access through room SN3152)

IncuCyte S3 live cell imaging system is located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3156 (access through room SN3152)

Novocyte Quanteon flow cytometer is located in Canthia Building, 4th floor, room CN4044/1


Janne Capra (Core Manager), janne.capra@uef.fi, p 050 5165268, room SN3209