
Save the Date: Workshop on Kathmandu/Online – 17th October 2024 (28.6.2024)

Read more (link to workshop web page)

VOKUS project provides information about the carbon-neutral energy production and circular economy in power plant boilers (11.3.2024)

A new project ”Power plants as part of Circular Economy and Renewable energy solutions” (Voimalaitoskattilat osana kiertotalouden ja uusiutuvan energian ratkaisuja, VOKUS), funded by the European Union and The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo (Just Transition Fund) develops the operations of North-Savo’s energy sector. Read more (link to project web pages).

SmokeFreeHomes Nepal project clarifies levels of indoor air pollutants in Nepalese homes and aims to reduce the exposure (11.3.2024)

SmokeFreeHomes Nepal (Technological and socio-economic solutions to reduce indoor air pollution in Nepal) project will clarify the levels of indoor air pollutants, estimate emission factors and SOA potential, aim to reduce the exposure for indoor air pollutants and produce information for the assessment of health and climate effects and for Nepalese emission database and energy policies. The project is part of the research programme DEVELOP2 (the Academy Programme for Development Research) and is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University will serve as partner institutions. Read more (link to project web pages).

Ajankohtaista puun pienpoltosta – pienpolton päästöt, ilmanlaatu ja terveys –seminaari 14.11.2023

Itä-Suomen yliopiston Pienhiukkas- ja aerosolitekniikan laboratorio on järjestänyt pienpolttoon liittyviä symposiumeja, seminaareja ja yleisötapahtumia jo reilun parin vuosikymmenen ajan. Nyt järjestettävä yleisölle avoin ajankohtaisseminaari on samalla päättyvän KIUAS-2-hankkeen loppuseminaari. Seminaarissa esitellään myös EU:n komission LIFE-ohjelman rahoittaman Real-LIFE Emissions -hankkeen tuloksia.  Seminaarin esite ja ohjelma (linkki PDF-tiedostoon)

2nd symposium on carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization in Kuopio November 3-4, 2022 (24.10.2022)

Read more from the MOF project pages (link to the web pages).

1 st international real-life emissions workshop on small-scale combustion in Kuopio on November 9, 2022 (14.10.2022)

Read more about the workshop organized by the Real-LIFE emissions project consortium (link to project web pages).

Olli Sippula appointed as Professor in Emissions of Combustion Processes at the University of Eastern Finland (27.5.2022)

Olli Sippula appointed as Professor 1 March 2022. Read more (link to UEF web pages).

ULTRAHAS project provides information about ultrafine particles from different transport modes (7.4.2022)

ULTRHAS (ULtrafine particles from TRansportation – Health Assessment of Sources) project will provide enhanced understanding of the health threats posed by ultrafine particles from different transport modes, optimize a framework for toxicity and hazard assessment of aerosols, and provide guidance for prioritization of mitigation measures and future legislation on air pollutants. The project is funded by the EU’s Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. Read more in Finnish (link to UEF web page) or in English (link to project web pages).

Doctoral dissertation of MSc (tech) Heikki Suhonen (29.10.2021)

The doctoral dissertation of MSc (tech) Heikki Suhonen, entitled “Novel electrical particle emission reduction methods for small-scale biomass combustion” will be examined at the Faculty of Science and Forestry on 29.10.2021 in Kuopio. The opponent in the public examination will be Professor, Dr. Heinz Burtscher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland, and the custos will be Associate Professor Olli Sippula, University of Eastern Finland. Read more (link to UEF web page).

Novel fine particle reduction method for small-scale wood combustion (26.8.2021)

Novel fine particle reduction method for small-scale wood combustion was developed in FINE laboratory. Read more in Finnish (link to UEF web page).

YLE news: Emission certificate for sauna stoves is planned (4.2.2021)

YLE reported about sauna stove emission and visited SIMO residential wood combustion simulator (link to the YLE news, in Finnish).

New information about photochemical transformation of residential wood combustion emissions (26.11.2020)

Photochemical transformation of residential wood combustion emissions was investigated in ILMARI research unit. Read more in Finnish (link to Finnish Meteorological Institute web pages).

Doctoral dissertation of MSc Julija Grigonyte-Lopez Rodriguez (18.11.2020)

The doctoral dissertation of MSc Julija Grigonyte-Lopez Rodriguez, entitled Reduction of fine particle emissions from small-scale wood combustion using a novel heat exchanger system will be examined at the Faculty of Science and Forestry on the 4th of December in Kuopio. The opponent in the public examination will be Laboratory Support Scientific Consultant, PhD Terttaliisa Lind, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, and the custos will be Professor Jorma Jokiniemi, University of Eastern Finland. Read more (link to UEF web page).