Residential Wood Combustion Simulator

Residential Wood Combustion Simulator (SIMO) is a unique concept to study emissions, energy efficiency and operation of small-scale combustion appliances as part of a detached house. The simulator accelerates the development of stoves and promotes the use of wood as a renewable energy source by controlling emissions.
Finns enjoy small everyday moments in the warmth of a stove or in the steams of a wood operated sauna stove. In Finland, however, small-scale wood combustion is the largest source of fine particle emissions, which are harmful to human health. In addition, soot emissions from stoves in the northern regions are particularly harmful to the climate, as they contribute to global warming. Stoves will have common European emission regulations in early 2022, but there are no emission limits planned for sauna stoves.

The wood combustion simulator is used to create links between research, and innovation and development work in SMEs. The operation is based on a close to real-life stove testing environment built into sea containers in 2017. The containers are equipped with a ventilation system corresponding to the ventilation of a detached house, as well as versatile, extensive, and scientifically valid measurement and sampling equipment. The simulator allows companies to test new ideas and gives support to different stages of product development. In addition, research and educational activities are carried out in this multi-purpose facility, and the simulator has also been exhibited at various events for the general public. The unit can be transported to manufacturers’ premises or research institutes around the world.

Tests are performed against monetary compensation alongside ongoing research activities, or as a part of research projects.
The simulator has been built with the support of ERDF development and investment projects A72189 and A72192 (link to projects page)

Contact information:
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Fine particle and aerosol technology laboratory, Small-scale wood combustion team
Doc. Jarkko Tissari (Ph.D), jarkko.tissari(at)