University of Eastern Finland, Snellmania building, lecture hall Sn201
Yliopistonranta 8, Kuopio, Finland
FinTomo -network has been set up to improve communication and co-operation between Finnish tomography units.
Yearly FinTomo Seminar present current research, advances, and studies in the field of X-ray tomography in Finland, including imaging, reconstruction, and analysis in theory and practice. For example, students show their research topic, manufacturers demonstrate their instrument or software, and senior researchers present their projects. In addition, the event will bring good networking opportunities available.
Thursday 10.4.2025
- 9-12 Scientific program
- 12-13 Lunch, Restaurant Snellmania
- 13-17 Scientific program
- 19 Dinner, Scandic Atlas Hotel, Haapaniemenkatu 22, Kuopio
Friday 11.4.2025
- 9-12 Scientific program
- 12-13 Lunch, Restaurant Snellmania
- 13-15:30 Scientific program
Basic presentation 20+5 min. Alternatively a student or short presentation 10-12 min. Digital handouts can be delivered if the presenter decide to allow them and delivers the material to the organizer.
e-Posters nonstop at the lobby. A template for e-Poster (16:9 one page) will be provided.
- Scientific program: Janne Mäkelä
- General matters, sponsors (limited slots available on a first come, first served basis): Tuomo Silvast
The participation fee 50 € includes the scientific program and the Dinner on Thursday.
Registration will be open in January 2025.
The Organizer reserves the right to change the program and event information.
Silver sponsor
Updated 17.1.2025.