Air-Liquid Cell Exposure
The cell exposure laboratory is equipped with two different air-liquid-interface exposure systems. In addition to the commercial Vitrocell ® device, this is a new exposure system especially designed by the group. In this new system, the deposition of the particles is optimized across the PM size ranges. The new system gives advantage especially when working with the exposures of the nanomaterials and combustion emissions where the particle size is <100nm. In the air-liquid-interface exposures, the sample aerosol is conditioned to provide as close to real-life situation as possible in the in vitro exposure conditions.
In cell exposures, human cell lines are used either solely to form an epithelial barrier to cell culture inserts or as co-cultures with other cell lines, such as macrophages. The insert culturing allows also working with primary cultures of lung cells.

For more information, please contact Prof. Pasi Jalava, pasi.jalava(at)