Application procedure
General information on doctoral studies in Finland
The following websites provide useful background information for potential IMPDET applicants about Finland, studying in Finland and UEF, and doctoral education at UEF.
- Studying in Finland
- Info Finland website
- Study at the University of Eastern Finland
- Introduction to doctoral education at the University of Eastern Finland
Before applying
First, it is important that the applicant’s research interests are aligned with the main research areas of the IMPDET studies:
- digital learning
- learning analytics, AI in education, and educational data mining
- VR/AR technologies in education
- design research in educational technology
- computing education
- computational thinking
- interactive technologies
- ICT for development
Second, the potential applicant should explore the research work carried out in the research groups, research communities, and research consortia linked to IMPDET studies. Therefore, the applicant should carefully explore the following websites:
- Technologies for Learning and Development research group at the School of Computing
- Learning Analytics research group at the School of Computing
- Learning, everyday life and work in a digitalized society research community (DIGS) research community at UEF
- UEF Deep Learning Analytics Research Consortium
- Interactive Technologies research group at the School of Computing
Finally, before proceeding with the application process it is important to study the profiles of the main supervisors in the IMPDET studies.