Test laboratory
In the project’s test laboratory, the ideal growth conditions for Sphagnum mosses are studied in controlled conditions using mesocosms, “moss tables” and in containers.
In the test laboratory’s mesocosms, sphagnum moss is grown in conditions that mimic natural environments, such as water management.
The mesocosms are built into modified refrigerators. The sphagnum moss grows in plastic containers partially embedded inside the refrigerator and filled with peat. The refrigerator ensures that the temperature of the peat remains natural
The container has been modified to include pipe outlets that connect to a water canister inside the refrigerator. This canister can be filled with bog water, for example. There is a small aquarium pump inside the canister.
The water level inside the container and peat is regulated by a movable pipe. Each mesocosm has its own irrigation system. Ion-exchanged water is used for watering.
The circulation water canister is connected to an overflow canister, which fills up when the irrigation is heavy.
Irrigation, water pumping, and the refrigerator’s temperature are adjustable. Temperature, humidity, pH, and electrical conductivity are measured automatically.
On the cultivation table, we are experimenting with growing sphagnum moss as pure cultures on a watering mat. Nutrient-enriched water circulates on the table with the help of an aquarium pump. The table can be used to test, for example, the effects of different sowing methods on moss growth as well as the differences between various species and species mixtures.
In container experiments, we investigate the effects of various conditions, such as nutrient levels or shading, on the growth of sphagnum moss. While these growth conditions do not replicate natural environments as accurately as mesocosm cultivation, they provide valuable insights into the impact of individual factors on growth. This information can then be applied to pilot areas or mesocosm cultivation