Logopedics education began at the University of Eastern Finland in Autumn 2021, and the first speech therapists are expected to graduate in 2025. A multidisciplinary and diverse network of experts and cooperation, the Logo Network, is built around logopedics education. Welcome to explore the dimensions of our common network!
The Logo Network brings together actors from university, companies, working life and organizations and strengthens cooperation between different parties. Key forms of cooperation include clinical training periods for logopedics students, research and innovation activities, expert visits, continuing education, and multidisciplinary speech research in the laboratory. In addition, the Logo Network website maintains a knowledge base for training instructors. Read more about collaboration opportunities or get to know the topics more extensively in the top menu of the page.
Watch the Logo Network introduction video (in Finnish)
The Logo Network has formed through projects
The MultiLogos Project (1 May 2023-30 April 2026) is co-funded by the European Union. One of the goals is to strengthen the operation of the Logo Network. The project’s activities include the development of multi-professional training clinic operations, continuing education for speech therapists, and the development and innovation of research and rehabilitation methods that apply digitalization.
The LogoTyö Project (1 Jan 2021-31 Jul 2022) was funded by the South Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and the European Social Fund (ESF), which aimed to support the launch of logopedics education at the University of Eastern Finland.
The LogoLab I Project (1 Jan 2021-28 Feb 2022) and the LogoLab II Project (1 Mar 2022-31 Aug 2023) are projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Regional Council of North Karelia. They support logopedics education by developing a logopedic simulation space and a speech research laboratory into a multidisciplinary research and innovation centre.
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