Cooperation network
The network offers versatile opportunities for cooperation. Feel free to contact us, and let’s take the development work forward together!
Training cooperation
Clinical training periods are important part of logopedics studies. High-quality clinical training periods give students the skills that are needed in clinical work after graduation. Clinical training is typically carried out in public or private organizations in the social and health care sector. At the University of Eastern Finland, part of the speech therapy training is carried out in the university premises in collaboration with Siun sote, the public healthcare provider of North Karelia. Training periods are always guided by licensed speech therapists. The basis of the training network was built in the LogoTyö project during 2021 and 2022, and the work is still ongoing. Cooperation between our university and the training network is also made concrete by the annual instructors’ meetings and trainings. As the studies proceed and the number of logopedic students increases, more supervisors are needed for the clinical training periods. We are willing to hear about new training and cooperation opportunities!
Working life and business cooperation
Through clinical training periods, students get to know working life, and for many, the training place offers a permanent job after studies. The working life cooperation between the university and the professional field plays a significant role in alleviating the regional labor shortage of speech therapists. In addition, logopedics students can become researchers, which brings opportunities for cooperation in the business world as well. There is potential to cooperate with companies through avenues including product and application development as well as speech research laboratory usage opportunities. Would your company join us in finding common interfaces and opening new networks between our university, students, and working life?
Research cooperation
Scientific research provides a solid foundation and adds value to the services provided by the company. If your organization needs researched information or support from our university, do not be afraid to contact us. If you have an idea or need to start a research project, our university provides a channel for reaching the right researchers . Our university has expertise in (e.g.) the practices of research work, formulating the research topic and mapping funding opportunities.
Thesis cooperation
In the coming years, speech therapy students will need topics and materials for theses. We are interested to hear suggestions about research topics, materials or product development in which students could be involved. A successful thesis benefits both parties and can serve as a springboard for working life cooperation. Refining various research ideas observed in everyday work or analysing previously collected materials can lead to interesting theses. Have you come across a speech therapy problem that you think should be investigated? Feel free to contact us and tell us more about it!
Study cooperation
Logopedics cooperates with several subjects and related sciences. For instance, the LogoLab research environment offers multidisciplinary usage opportunities in many ways. In research and innovation activities, we can cooperate with computer science, among others. Logopedics studies also includes the course Multiprofessional Clinical Practice, which is implemented in cooperation with the subject of Psychology. A multiprofessional approach is a key element in client work, which is a teaching we guide our students to embrace during their studies.
Organization and association cooperation
Organizations, foundations, and associations as well as other representatives of the third sector are important partners for us. For example, experience experts or patient organizations can give us valuable information and views of specific customer groups using speech therapy services. We also seek possible research topics and materials and on the other hand we can offer expert lectures or new research information to organizations. The goal is mutual benefit. We could get to know each other better and arrange visits between the university, students and organizations. If you want to make the voice of your association heard or if you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.