To produce a plan on the development and execution of the testing procedures, which better reflects quality and quantity of the real-life emissions from solid fuel heating appliances, as well as the adverse effects to human health and environment. Here the largest number of open questions lays in the field of particle emissions and organic compounds emitted during combustion. This will be achieved using both, existing results and well-defined tests carried out during the project, communication with the authorities and agencies and other stakeholders and working groups.
To evaluate the scientific gain on using realistic emission factors in environmental impact
To support the work done in the working groups of e.g., CEN, Ecodesign and UNECE, and to ensure that their visions will be also heard in the execution of the project.
Fill in the gaps-of-knowledge that have and will be identified with carefully planned and executed combustion experiments which are carried out by the project beneficiaries.
Disseminate new and existing knowledge to the relevant stakeholders.