12.00–13.00 Registration
13.00–13.30 Opening Ceremony / AG 100
13.30–15.00 50-year Anniversary Panel of the Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology / AG 100 Chair: Elina Seye
Johannes Brusila, Helmi Järviluoma, Pekko Käppi, Antti-Ville Villén
15.00 Coffee
15.30–17.30 Parallel Sessions 1
Sessio 1a / AG 210 (fin) Paneeli Chair: Minna-Maarit Jaskari
Minna-Maarit Jaskari, Kaarina Kilpiö, Anu Norrgrann:
Musiikki brändin rakentamisessa ja asiakkaiden sitouttamisessa
Sessio 1 b/AG106 (fin, swe/eng + eng) 120 min. Chair: Elina Hytönen-Ng
Johanna Tarkkanen: Hiljaisuuden musiikkia (fin)
Helga Karen: Autoethnographic research in music – holding the “self” to the highest standards (eng)
Johannes Brusila: The changing mediations of children’s music and ethnicity: Arn(i)e Alligator’s move from the Finland-Swedish domestic scene to international streaming services
Katharina Alexi: (Missing) echoes of the end of fascism: Musical liberation commemoration in Europe and the audibility of survivors and relatives
Sessio 1 c/ AG 100 (fin) Paneeli Chair: Pekka Suutari
Vähemmistöt, identiteetit ja kulttuurinen omistajuus / Pekka Suutari, Elina Niiranen, Kati Kallio, Matti Hakamäki, Heidi Henriikka Mäkelä
Sessio 1 d/AG109 klo 16-17:30 (eng) Chair: Heikki Uimonen
Sound Lifeline, a movie & discussion with Lejla Odobasic-Novo (online) (60 min.)
17:30-18:30 Dinner (own cost)
18.30–22.00 Opening celebrations at Agora
19.00 Thesis awardee speech
20.00 music: Juurisävel, Anna Fält, Pekko Käppi
9.00–10.15 AG 100 Keynote 1: Rupert Till
10.30–12.00 Parallel Sessions 2
Sessio 2a / AG 100 (eng) Panel Chair: Noora Vikman
Elina Hytönen-Ng, Gjermund Kolltveit, Jami Pekkanen, Riitta Rainio, Julia Shpinitskaya, Noora Vikman: Towards Cultural Echology
Sessio 2b / AG 209 (fin) Panel
Alma Rinta-Pollari, Annukka Saaristo, Venla Sykäri:
Hiphop, yhteiskunta ja osallisuus I
Sessio 2 c / AG 106 (fin) Chair: Elina Niiranen
Arja Kastinen: Runolaulukulttuurin kanteleimprovisaatio nykykansanmusiikissa
Janne Palkisto: Keisari kielsi vapaamuurarit – mitä tekivät muusikkoveljet?
Sessio 2 d / Ag 210 (fin + eng) Chair:
Heidi Henriikka Mäkelä & Outi Valo: Traktorilla Unescoon: Maaseudun representaatiot Kaustisen viulunsoittoon liittyvissä audiovisuaalisissa materiaaleissa 1967–2023
Anna Peltomäki: Kaikuja lakkautetuista musiikkikeskuksista
Presentation of the Thesis awardee
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–15.00 Parallel Sessions 3
Sessio 3a / AG 103 (fin) Chair:
Inkeri Jaakkola: Kaikuja menneestä: näkökulmia György Ligetin viulukonserton II osan rakenteeseen ja ilmaisuun
Gabriel Korhonen: Metritön rytmi aistiärsykkeiden kognitiivisina heijastuksina Musen Stockholm Syndrome -kappaleessa
Henna Tahvanainen: Värähtelyt ja säteily: Ilman rooli kielisoittimessa
Anna Hakula: Arkkitehtuuri ja konserttikokemus – Virittäytyminen kuuntelemiseen
Sessio 3b / AG 106 (fi + eng) Chair:
Hanna Chorell: Tradition heijastuksia
Riikka Juntunen: Marginalised corporeality, vulnerability and care in pop music performance
Sessio 3c / AG (101) (fi + swe) Panel Chair: Juha Torvinen
Kaj Ahlsved, Sini Mononen, Kim Ramstedt, Saija-Leena Rantanen, Juha Torvinen, Susanna Välimäki:
Aktivistinen musiikintutkimus I: Musiikintutkijat yhteiskunnassa -hanke
15:00 Coffee
15.30–17.00 Meetings of the Learned Societies AG 106 ja AG 103
18.00–21.00 Symposium Banquet at Local Bistro
9.00–10.15 Keynote 2: Ana Hofman AG 100
10.30–12.00 Parallel Sessions 4
Sessio 4a / AG 100 Panel
Inka Rantakallio, Julian Owusu, Elina Westinen:
Hiphop, yhteiskunta ja osallisuus II
Sessio 4b / AG 109 (fin) Chair: Kaarina Kilpiö
Jari Eerola: Musiikin kvantisointi ja esityskäytännöt
Janne Mäkelä: JS goes AM: Jean Sibelius transnationaalisena radiotähtenä
Heikki Uimonen: Levyautomaatista kitara: valtavirran musiikkia ja kiellettyjä levyjä
Sessio 4c AG 101 (fin + eng) Chair: Elina Seye
Pekko Käppi: Takaperoisia kaikuja kelanauhalla, haalistunutta mustetta kellertyneellä ruutupaperilla – Kansanlaulaja Taavi Uutelan historiallisia jälkiä Kansanperinteen arkiston kokoelmissa
Chanan Hanspal: Can a Musical Work made up of Cosmopolitan Monologues and Eclectic Music be set to Film and Dance within the North Karelian Landscape?
Spiros Delegos: A Wandering Minor Tune as a Reflection of Musico-Cultural Heterotopia in Rebetiko (eng)
Sessio 4d / Ag 210 (fin) Chair: Meri Kytö
Elina Niiranen: Miten karjalankieliset muusikot argumentoivat karjalaisuutta?
Kai Åberg: Miksi meijän laulut eivät ole Karjalaisia? – Karjalaisen romaniväestön musiikillinen kodittomuus
Pekka Suutari: Tanssi ja musiikki Rasimäellä ja Sivakassa, Valtimolla
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–15.00/14.30 Parallel Sessions 5
Sessio 5 b/ AG 101 (fi + swe?) Panel Chair: Susanna Välimäki
Susanna Välimäki (pj); Samuli Korkalainen, Emmi Kujanpää, Reetta Näätänen, Inka Rantakallio, Milla Tiainen:
Aktivistinen musiikintutkimus II: Poikkitieteellisyys, toiminnallisuus ja ylirajaisuus
Sessio 5c / AG 103 (fi + eng) Chair:
Sanna Qvick: Reels of historic costuming: music choices of social content creators
Harri Homi: Äänitteen suoratoisto, algoritmit ja valta (eng)
Pia Siirala: Kenttätyö taiteellisessa tutkimuksessa
14:45-15:00 Closing Remarks
On Monday 25.3. at 3 p.m. in the Agora café, approx. 15-20 min.
Timi Volotinen. I thought I would sing about the creation of the world. It fits the theme of music research particularly well: In the Border Karelian-based version I know, the kantele is created first and only then the world. The hymn I sing is based on Iivana Onoila’s versions, but it has been modified in my own mouth into a slightly unique whole. I either made up the tune in my head or grabbed it from somewhere, I can’t say for sure now.
On Monday in Agora’s cafeteria: Symposium opening celebrations
Opens to the wider public from 20:00. Music program – free admission
Juurisävel is a folk music duo from Joensuu, made up of folk musicians Kirsi Uutinen and Jari Lappalainen. They perform new arrangements of folk songs recorded from Kiihtelysvaara between 1899 and 1950. The song list, once compiled by Kyllikki Malisto, is freshly updated for the 2020s in the handling of two tradition-conscious and versatile professionals. The songs are in the style of a more recent folk song tradition, and they tell about the life of young people from North Karelia, with its joys and sorrows.
Anna Fält is a folk musician, composer, singing teacher and sound artist whose main work is concerts of unaccompanied solo singing. The musician, who explores the dimensions of the human voice, mostly performs her own compositions based on traditional incantation and poetry lyrics. MORE INFORMATION:
Pekko Käppi performs songs, e.g. from the repertoire of Taavi Uutela from Iitti and along his career. Pekko Käppi (b. 1976) is a jouhikko artist from Tampere who works as a musician, composer and producer and is preparing a doctoral thesis for the University of Eastern Finland with the title “The music of folk singer Taavi Uutela, song tradition and archival material as a micro-historical performance”.
Tuesday 26.3. in two parts around 12:00-12:15 and 12:35-12:55.
Soprano Roosa Tarvonen and pianist Tiina Linjama perform classical lied music that transports its listeners to a wide range of moods. In the works of Schubert, Mozart, Grieg, Madetoja and other song composers, among other things, we marvel at the beauty of music, head resolutely towards the roaring sea or the top of a fell, and of course also talk about love.
Tuesday 26.3. between 15:00 and 15:30 In Agora’s cafe
Duo Vanhat Jäärät plays acoustically their own arrangements of The Beatles classics Susanna Lumijoki (vocals) and Atte Asikainen (guitar). The duration of the performance is approx. 20 minutes.
Wednesday 27.3. from approx. 12 o’clock at Carelia
Joensuu Conservatory’s student duo Mani & Kaapo Marinia Sorjonen-Ward (vocals) and Kaapo Soininen (guitar), perform self-arranged jazz and pop songs from different decades, approx. 30 min set
And maybe Voi$ings, the voice ensemble of conservatory students, will sing in Karelia “because it feels like singing”.