The guide to information retrieval is intended for all kinds of information searchers regardless of whether you study at the University of Eastern Finland or simply need further guidance on information retrieval. The guide focuses above all on searching for published scientific information.
Scientific information is systematic, objective and reasoned in nature, and the results of scientific research are published in the form of articles and books. You can use search engines and databases to retrieve information from scientific publications that are stored in libraries, databases and the open network. Perhaps you also need an information retrieval plan that includes outlining search terms and phrases that match your topic?
Reading tips for those on the go:

How and where to find search terms?

How does AI fit into information retrieval?

How to fix your own information retrieval?

Quick and practical tips, please!
In this Introduction, you will also find a section on information retrieval process and information retrieval planning. You can move to it directly from the link below:
Tiedonhakijan opas by Anni Tarkiainen, Marika Mahlavuori, Jussi Hyvärinen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License concerning the texts. Images are not licensed. Thank you all colleagues at UEF Library Training and Information Services.
Updated 2025.