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University of Eastern Finland’s 10th anniversary

In 2020, the University of Eastern Finland will celebrate its 10th anniversary. To learn more about our jubilee year programme for different target groups, please click on the links on the left. Our events are aimed at the university’s students, staff and alumni – as well as to the public.

The University of Eastern Finland was established in the beginning of 2010, following a decision by the University of Joensuu and the University of Kuopio to join forces in order to further intensify their collaboration in eastern Finland. The merger was also encouraged by the Ministry of Education, which in March 2006 published a memorandum on the structural development of higher education institutions, seeking to strengthen the country’s research and innovation system by promoting the networking, profiling and internationalisation of Finnish universities.

Over the past ten years, the University of Eastern Finland has evolved into one of the most multidisciplinary and strongest universities in Finland on several indicators, and its international standing is indisputable.

In celebration of its 10th anniversary, the University of Eastern Finland will donate 10,000 euros to the UEF10 Swamp Conservation Campaign carried out in collaboration with the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation. Funds donated to the campaign will be used to establish a private swamp conservation area in eastern Finland for recreational and research use.