Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) refers to the aerosol material that is formed when volatile organic compounds from biogenic and anthropogenic sources oxidize and form condensable vapors. SOA is known to form a significant fraction of atmospheric aerosols but large uncertainties are still associated with the identities of the participating compounds and their properties. This reflects as an uncertainty in the global atmospheric model simulations. Our group studies SOA formation and properties by combining experimental and modelling methods. The measurement infrastructure includes e.g. multiple atmospheric simulation chambers and the measurements station at the top of the Puijo-tower. In the modelling the emphasis is on the dynamics and thermodynamics of the SOA related processes. In our research on SOA formation and properties we concentrate especially on:
- emissions of volatile organic compounds from plants and their SOA yields
- gas-particle partitioning and particle phase processes
- solid phase and phase transitions of secondary organic aerosols
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