Read more about recruiting participants for research
- Recruitment takes place in good cooperation with welfare areas
- Close cooperation with patient organizations and patient and public involvement in research projects (PPI)
- Social media interaction
- People can volunteer themselves for our ongoing clinical drug trials by phone or by e-mail
- On our website, ongoing drug trials are listed, for which new subjects are being recruited. The announcements are in Finnish, because one of the inclusion criteria is proficiency in Finnish.
- We have a secure service through which a person interested in participating in a clinical trial can register to participate as a volunteer. The link to the service can be found on our website.
- The patients and family members can always check the status of the ongoing clinical drug trials on the website of the Neurocenter Finland (service is in Finnish) (
- Fimea’s website contain consolidated information about clinical trials recruiting subjects in Finland (service in Finnish):

Updated 6.9.2024