Who are we?
The Brain Research Unit is a service unit belonging to the neurology discipline of the Institute of Clinical Medicine at the University of Eastern Finland.
We offer high-quality clinical research services for academic operators and companies.
In addition to neurological diseases, our core areas of expertise include various biomarker studies.
Our unit has more than 30 years of experience conducting clinical drug trials.
We offer high-level neurological research services to promote brain health and well-being.
We are a pioneer in clinical brain research, known for our high-quality work, strong cooperation and operational reliability. Our goal is to do extensive work for the human brain and to promote a good life and a good quality of life by offering high-level clinical research services.
Quality, cooperation and operational reliability are hallmarks of our operations. We are committed to providing high-quality clinical research services to academic operators and companies. An unhurried, expert and safe environment is guaranteed to our study participants.
Our goal is to be a high-quality, internationally and nationally known producer of clinical research services and a reliable partner. We want to be an inclusive service provider and an attractive, good-natured, multi-professional work community with clear operating instructions for delivering the service.

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Updated 6.9.2024