Stakeholder Workshop 2024

Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are defined as exogenous chemicals that alter functions of the endocrine system, thereby causing adverse health effects in an organism or its progeny. These substances are also suspected of being related to the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity, fatty liver, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. However, validated methods to evaluate the metabolic effects of endocrine disruptors have been lacking for a long time. There is also a lack of a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms by which these chemical compounds disrupt metabolic processes and can cause health impairments.
EDCMET arranges a stakeholder workshop on Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 9 -12 CET.
In the workshop, the EDCMET speakers provide insight into the scientific achievements and the progress in method development. In addition, stakeholders share their perspectives on the work done in EDCMET.
We welcome representatives from research, regulatory authorities, industry, civil society and contract research organisations, policy makers as well as other experts working in the field of EDs.
The event is free of charge and open for all. No registration is required.
Date and time
24 April 2024 at 9:00 – 12 CET
The workshop is arranged as an online-only event via WEBEX.
9:00 Welcome and introduction
Albert Braeuning, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment BfR
9:05 Overview of EDCMET (pdf)
Anna-Liisa Levonen, EDCMET coordinator, University of Eastern Finland
9:20 Stakeholder perspective / EU Parliament
Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of the European Parliament
9:35 Scientific results of EDCMET (15 min per presentation)
In silico methods to identify endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals (pdf)
Nick Plant, work package leader, University of Leeds
In vitro and omics methods to assess metabolic effects of EDs (pdf)
Rinie van Beuningen, work package leader, Pamgene
In vivo models for the assessment of metabolic effects of EDs (pdf)
Jukka Hakkola, work package leader, University of Oulu
Population-based assessment of exposure to chemicals and ED-related metabolic effects (pdf)
Arja Rautio, work package leader, University of Oulu
10:35–10:45 Break
10:45 Stakeholder perspective / PEPPER platform
Philippe Hubert, Director
11:00 Stakeholder perspective / EDCMET External Scientific Advisory Board
ESAB members Philip Marx-Stoelting, Nico N.P.E. Vermeulen and Olavi Pelkonen
11:20 General discussion
Albert Braeuning, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment BfR
11:50 Wrap-up and concluding remarks
Anna-Liisa Levonen, EDCMET coordinator, University of Eastern Finland
12:00 End of workshop
Programme in pdf format
Find the programme in pdf format here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825762.