
- A lovely lab Pikkujoulu dinner at Kuzina
- Eva Achhammer from Germany joined our group as an intern
- Valtteri Syvänen continues to work in our group as a project researcher from July
- Kayak adventure summer party in June
- Katrina Räty received a grant from the YUFE Postdoctoral Programme
- Eugenio Gallucio from Italy joined our group as an intern
- Katrina Räty received the postdoctoral funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Patryk Krupa from Poland joined our group as a research trainee to work with midbrain organoids
- PhD student Tuuli-Maria Sonninen and PI Sarka Lehtonen received research grants from Päiviki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation to model BBB with human iPSC-derived cells and to reveal metabolic profile of human microglia obtained from PD patients

- Lab “pikkujoulu” in escape rooms and dinner at Blocco
- PhD student Jonna Niskanen received a three and half years salaried position from DPMM starting from January 2022
- Katrina Räty (Albert) joined our group after her postdoc in Spillantini group at the University of Cambridge
- Valtteri Syvänen started his Master`s thesis project in our group
- Sanni Peltonen and Sara Kälvälä joined our group as research assistants
- Group retreat in Puijo Disc Golf Park in June
- Vili Hakosalo joined our group as a project researcher in May
- Jonna Niskanen started as an early-stage researcher in January
- Sarka Lehtonen received a three years Senior research fellowship from Sigrid Juselius Foundation in December
- PhD student Tuuli-Maria Sonninen was granted a three years position from the Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine in September
- Sarka Lehtonen obtained a three years research grant from Janne and Aatos Erkko Foundation in September
- Sarka Lehtonen got a funding for young group leaders from Sigrid Juselius Foundation in March