Alternative non-animal methods in biomedical research 

Course description: Animal models are important in biomedical research, yet they do not fully recapitulate human development or diseases and can be expensive. Non-animal methods, often known as “in vitro” or “in silico”, aim to reduce and partly replace the use of animals in scientific experiments. Their use also promotes the 3R principles in research and has become increasingly important since the FDA no longer requires animal experiments prior to human drug trials and the European Union has issued a directive to end all laboratory experiments within the EU (Directive 2010/63/EU). The aim of the course is to give students a comprehensive overview of the different non-animal methods used in biomedical research, industry, and toxicology testing. The course will also showcase the latest technologies, including organ-on-chip, and findings from using alternative methods. Speakers from academia, industry, and regulatory bodies will discuss their work using alternative non-animal methods. The students will have the opportunity to present their scientific work and to meet the speaker for informal interactions. There will also be opportunities to visit local biomedical research companies to learn about their work on alternative methods in practice.

Credit points: 1-2 (1 ECTS for attendance at lectures; 2 ECTS for attendance at lectures, and a written report, a short summary of 1-2 lectures written after the course or a poster or presentation).

Course director: Šárka Lehtonen (UEF/AIVI), board member of Finnish 3R for replacement

Course co-organizers: Johanna Englund (UH), Jenni Hakkarainen (Experimentica), Virve Sihvola (ECHA)

Venue: Kuopio campus, Medistudia building, room MS301, Yliopistonrinne 3, Kuopio

26.-27.8. 2024 (Medistudia, UEF, Kuopio)

Registration: by August 8th, 2024

DAY 1. (26.8.2024)

12.30 – 13.00  Registration

13.00 – 13.15  Welcome, practical matters and introduction of participants

SESSION 1. Basic science session (chairperson Šárka Lehtonen)

13.15 – 14.00 Plenary lecture Jonathan Curd (University of Nottingham, Co-founder & CEO PeptiMatrix): Customisable peptide hydrogels as user-defined biomimetic models of specific tissue microenvironments

14.00 – 14.40  Coffee, exhibition and a poster session

14.40 – 15.10  Hanna Vuorenpää (Tampere University): In vitro models in replacing animal models -new era of Organ-on-Chip technology

15.10 – 15.40  Erdogan Pekcan Erkan (Tampere University): Imperfect, yet useful: modeling abdominal cancers with patient-derived tumor organoids

15.40 – 16.10  Maria Hytti (UEF) Exploring disease mechanisms using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cells from patients and healthy controls – focus on age-related macular degeneration

16.10 – 16.40  Prateek Singh (Founder & CEO Finnadvance): Open architecture microfluidics for scalable organ-on-chips

16.40 – 17.00 Meet the speakers

DAY 2. (27.8.2024)

SESSION 2. Regulatory bodies + Companies

09.00 – 09.45  Plenary lecture Sirpa Pietikäinen (Member of EPPA)

09.45 – 10.15   Elina Brusila (ECHA): Regulatory Application – Alternative methods to industrial chemicals

10.15 – 10.45   Coffee, exhibition and a poster session

10.45 – 11.15    Pauliina Lehtolainen-Dalkilic (FIMEA): Regulatory perspective update:  how EMA and National Agencies are advancing 3Rs

11.15 – 11.45   Tony Kiuru (UPM): GrowDex – Animal-free option for automated 3D cell culture assays

Student presentations

11.45 – 11.55   Sara Kälvälä (UEF): Midbrain organoids at the air-liquid interface recapitulate alpha-synuclein pathology in a human a human brain-like in vitro model

11.55 – 12.05   Kateryna Gaertner (Tampere University): Hare fibroblasts reveal a species difference in glycerol-3-phosphate metabolism associated with adaptive thermogenesis

12.05 – 12.15   Johanna Englund (FIN3R replacement)

12.15 – 13.00   Lunch and exhibition

SESSION 3. Companies (chairperson Jenni Hakkarainen)

13.00 – 13.45   Plenary lecture Melina Malinen (ORION): Advancing Drug Discovery: Harnessing Human-Based Alternatives

13.45 – 13.55   Wrapping up the course

13.55 – 14.15   Coffee and exhibition

14.45 – 16:00   Visit to company 1 –Experimentica Ltd  2×30 min, 12+12 students

14.45 – 16:00   Visit to company 2 –Ferring VENTURE Oy 2×30, 12+12 students