Achieving High-Integrity Voluntary Climate Action (ACHIEVE)

The ACHIEVE research initiative seeks to enhance and expand voluntary climate efforts to advance the global goal of achieving a net-zero society by 2050.

The project’s objectives encompass:

  1. Generate insights on the effectiveness and reliability of voluntary climate actions, including the use of carbon credits.
  2. Evaluate the authenticity and consequences of voluntary climate actions.
  3. Examine how mutually beneficial interactions can occur between policies, regulations, and high-integrity voluntary climate initiatives.
  4. Leverage scientific discoveries to facilitate the expansion of high-integrity voluntary actions.

ACHIEVE is part of cluster 5 of Horizon Europe, which is aimed at research into climate, energy, and mobility. This research project is funded from Call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-05.

Project duration: 2024-2028
