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University of Eastern Finland (UEF) – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

About the 2024 Course: The 2024 UEF-UNEP MEA Course will take place 27 May – 6 June 2024 and commemorate 20 years of this collaboration. The application period is now open from 23 January – 23 February. NOTE: Deadline extended to 8 March 2024. More details can be found under the ‘Applications‘ tab. The course agenda will be published in due course.

Course overview

  • High-profile two-week course on MEAs, international environmental law-making and diplomacy.
  • Intended for experienced government officials engaged in international environmental negotiations. Other stakeholders, such as representatives of NGOs and the private sector, researchers and academics in the field of international environmental law are also eligible. So far, over 520 participants from 127 countries have been trained through the series of the Course.​
  • Approximately 30 participants, with an equal distribution from the North and South and taking into account gender balance will be admitted to the Course.
  • Participants are expected to pay their travel and other expenses and a tuition fee of EUR 1000.
  • Candidates from developing countries and from countries with economies in transition can apply for a full or partial fellowship.

The UEF-UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements is a high-profile two-week course on MEAs, international environmental law-making and diplomacy. It is organised annually in cooperation of the University of Eastern Finland and United Nations Environment Programme, with a changing course venue and theme each year.

The aim of the Course is to equip present and future negotiators of multilateral environmental agreements with the information and experiences of others in the area of international environmental law-making to improve the impact and implementation of these key treaties.

The Course also serves as a forum for fostering cooperation between developed and developing country negotiators; and for taking stock of recent developments in the negotiation and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and diplomatic practices in this field. The ultimate aim of the Course is to improve environmental negotiation capacity and governance worldwide.

Each course concentrates on one specific theme under international environmental law, and through interactive lectures, workshops, and excursions the course equips participants with basic skills in internatonal environmental law-making, diplomacy and negotiations related to that specific thematic area.

The course is intended for experienced government officials engaged in international environmental negotiations. Other stakeholders, such as representatives of NGOs and the private sector, researchers and academics in the field of international environmental law are also eligible. Since 2004, the course has had over 520 participants from 127 different countries.

Contact us

For general information about this course, including applications, please contact UEF-UNEP Course organisation at:

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