Strengthening democratic governance for climate transitions (2024-2027)
Achieving High-Integrity Voluntary Climate Action (2024-2028)
Voluntary carbon offsetting in (climate) action: Perception coalitions, representations, and regulation (2023-2027)
Science-based legal pathways to reduce black carbon emissions in the EU and China: Towards integrated climate – air quality approaches (2023-2027)
Leaving No One Lost in Transition: Citizens and the Legitimacy of Finland’s Transition to a Carbon Neutral Welfare State (2020-2026)
Regulatory Cooperation on Carbon Standards (2022 -2025)
The European Green Deal: Governing the EU’s Transition towards Climate Neutrality and Sustainability (GreenDeal-NET) (2022-2025)
Assessing Sectoral Perspectives on Climate Transitions to Support the Global Stocktake and Subsequent NDCs (2021-2024)
The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (2020-2024)
Innovation, Investment, Infrastructure and sector Integration: Transformative policies for a climate neutral European Union (2021-2024)
Transformative Transparency? Assessing the Effects of Reporting and Review in the International Climate Change Regime (2020-2023)
Novel soil management practices for sustainable bioeconomy and climate change mitigation (2018-2023)
Circular Economy Catalysts –
From Innovation to Business Ecosystems (2018-2023)
Projects that have ended :
Pathways to Breaking the Fossil Fuel Lock-in
Pathways to Breaking the Fossil Fuel Lock-in: Assessing the Influence of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals on Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (2020-2022)
Hiili- ja ympäristöjalanjälki hankinnoissa – lainsäädäntö ja mittaaminen (Carbon and environmental footprints in public procurement – law and measuring) (2020)
Combining Climate Law and Climate Science to Identify the Best Options to Reduce Emissions of Short-lived Climate Forcers in Developing Countries (European Research Council, 2017-2021)
Jean Monnet Network on Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Turbulent Times (2018-2021)
The Law of the Green Developmental State
The Law of the Green Developmental State: State Shareholders in Climate Governance (2019-2022)