Value From the Carbon Market for the Next Land Use of Peat Production Areas (2023–2026)
The impact of EU chemicals policy and legislation on green transformations in the pharmaceutical sector in the EU (2023–2027)
Resilience of complex legal systems in sustainability transformation (2023-2026)
Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas (2022-2025)
Regoverning the Existing Hydropower System: Integrating ecological, economic and societal aspects of sustainability (2020–2024)
Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth
Transforming anatomies of democratic planning: Combining planning-theoretical and legal perspectives on flexible regulation in Finnish land use law (2020-2024)
Projects that have ended :
The project Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making, CORE (2007-2021)
Climate Impacts and Environmental Permit Procedure (2020–2021)