Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas (CrossGov)
CrossGov aims to enhance knowledge on how coherence and cross-compliance of marine related policies and legislation affect realizing the Green Deal goals for biodiversity protection, zero pollution and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Cross-gov is an EU Horizon funded project exploring the coherence of multi-level and multi-sectoral marine policies and their environmental and social cross-compliance to better manage biodiversity decline and enhance the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems undergoing rapid change. The project explores marine governance at the EU level and through case studies in three European marine regions: the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. The focus of the project is geared especially to how existing policies and their implementation could better support the implementation of the EU Green Deal goals and objectives. The research brings forth innovative methodologies to systematically identify, analyse and remediate weaknesses, gaps, and inconsistencies in law, policies and decision- and policymaking processes to halt the degradation of European seas and facilitate cross-compliance within and across biodiversity, pollution and climate related laws and policies.
The WP analyses the horizontal coherence between EU sectoral policies related to the marine environment and the vertical coherence between the EU policies and policies in selected EU Member States. Project partners are NIVA (Norway), S.Pro (Germany), Utrecht University (the Netherlands), ACTeon (France), IASS (Germany), and CNR-ISMAR (Italy). The project runs from September 2022 to August 2025.