Pathways to Breaking the Fossil Fuel Lock-in

Pathways to Breaking the Fossil Fuel Lock-in: Assessing the Influence of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals on Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (2020-2022)

Fossil fuel subsidies persist all over the world, despite their economic and environmental costs. While domestic reforms are underway, it remains unclear how international institutions could support such efforts. This project assesses the pathways through which international environmental institutions, specifically the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, influence domestic fossil fuel subsidy reforms. The project does so by carrying out a regression analysis of all countries, and in-depth case studies of Canada, India, Indonesia and New Zealand. The project supports the transition to a sustainable energy system by providing knowledge to stakeholders about which pathways are conducive for promoting fossil fuel subsidy reform and overcoming the lock-in of fossil energy.

UEF staff

  • Prof. Harro van Asselt
  • Dr. Beate Antonich

Project partners and international collaborators

  • Dr. Jakob Skovgaard, Lund University, Sweden (PI)

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