The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC)

We are working to address two of the most urgent global challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality.

The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) is a Finnish Flagship constituted by the University of HelsinkiTampere UniversityUniversity of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. We are working to address two of the most urgent global Grand Challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality.

The ACCC consortium brings together the top-level science of the ACCC research partners (UH, FMI, UEF, TAU) and the needs and expertise of key stakeholders to co-create knowledge-based solutions. Our mission at ACCC is to contribute toward achieving carbon neutrality in Finland, EU and global societies, as well contribute to mitigate air pollution to sustain a healthy atmosphere. At ACCC we are finding ways to mitigate CO2 emission sources and reliably verify them. We assess the climate neutrality of mitigation measures and air quality management actions. We contribute to the solutions that help businesses reach the Paris climate targets, to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and thus support the EU Green Deal commitments and the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals).