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Transformative Transparency? Assessing the Effects of Reporting and Review in the International Climate Change Regime (2020-2023)

Transparency, in the form of reporting by states and the review of reports by international bodies, can strengthen accountability and effectiveness in global governance. However, theoretical assumptions on the effects of reporting and review are yet to be tested for one of the most pressing challenges of our age: climate change. TRANSCLIM, a joint project by UEF Law School and the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, offers multidisciplinary perspectives on the effects of transparency arrangements in the international climate regime. Combining legal analysis with political science research and country studies, the project explores the different effects of reporting and review for various actors, including states, non-state actors, and international organisations. By doing so, the project contributes to transparency studies as well as the implementation of the transparency framework of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

UEF staff

  • Prof. Harro van Asselt
  • Dr. Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb

Project partners and international collaborators

  • Dr. Antto Vihma, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (co-PI)
  • Dr. Romain Weikmans, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Prof. Aarti Gupta, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
  • Dr. Thomas Hale, University of Oxford, UK
  • Prof. Navroz Dubash, Centre for Policy Research, India

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