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Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Negotiator’s handbook

The handbook is prepared as a solid introduction to negotiation or working on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) for those with little or not background, as well as a key reference tool for experienced negotiators. Overall, the purpose of the document is to provide a reference tool that will enhance the capacity of those working on MEAs and involved in international negotiations.

The third edition of the MEA Negotiators Handbook is a joint publication by the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL) at the UEF Law School and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Funding for the work by CCEEL/UEF was provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment.

You can download the Handbook from the link below, free of charge in PDF format:

Second Edition (2007)

The handbook is a joint publication of Environment Canada and the UEF-UN Environment Course on MEAs. Environment Canada initiated and provided core contributions for the project.

The Negotiator’s Handbook is available in two language versions, English and French. You can download the Handbook from the links below, free of charge in PDF format:

International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Reviews

The articles contained in the Review are mostly based on lectures or presentations given during the Course, but take their subject matters further as the authors explore their ideas. The Review has also been proud to receive ongoing contributions through the various editions – the same writers have contributed several papers and thereby been able to develop their ideas and themes – of persons who have been involved in some of the most important environmental negotiations in the past several decades. Thus, the experiences, insights and reflections of these environmental leaders and insightful analysts are now recorded and disseminated, where they might not otherwise have been committed to print. In addition, an ongoing feature of the Review has been the publication of papers by Course participants – this has seen many fresh ideas and new research included in the Review.

In 2012, an anonymous peer-review process was made possible for writers.

Editorial Process and Peer-review

All papers published in the Review undergo a rigorous editorial process (which process includes careful scrutiny and research by the editors, numerous rewrites, and approval for publication only after consideration by the Board). Each paper is read several times by each of the editors, and returned several times to the authors for rewriting and the addressing of queries. By the time a paper is published in the Review the editors and the editorial board are satisfied that it meets all that could be expected of it in terms of formal presentation and high academic standards, and that it makes a genuine contribution both to the special theme and to knowledge generally.

While convinced of the quality of all of the papers in the Review, the editors introduced for the 2012 volume on an anonymous peer-review process upon authors’ request.

The articles on the Reviews are based on lectures given during the Courses. On each Course, the lectures were delivered by experienced hands-on diplomats, government officials and members of academia.


  • Dr. Seita Romppanen, University of Eastern Finland Law School
  • Dr. Tuula Honkonen, University of Eastern Finland Law School

Published Reviews

Once published, the Reviews are free for download in PDF format from the links below:

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