The goal of the Neuroinflammation research group is to understand inflammatory cell functions, especially those of microglia and astrocytes and mechanisms and mediators of inflammatory reactions in neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. We use interdisciplinary approaches to find novel targets for modulation of neuroinflammation for the disease benefit.
Get functional fingerprint of microglia-neuron crosstalk in health and disease.
Identify secreted mediators of this intercellular crosstalk, such as EVs.
Unveil how neuroinflammation is regulated at the level of non-conding RNAs.
Develop treatment strategies to modulate neuroinflammation for CNS benefit.
Figure. 3D reconstruction of somatostatin (red) positive inhibitory neuron in human brain organoid assembloid. Dendrites stained with MAP2 (green) and nuclei with DAPI (blue). Scale bar 10 µm. Image credit: Susanne Michels.
Acute and slowly degenerative diseases, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are all without a cure and although etiologically very distinct, they share common pathological hallmarks. One of the main features of is neuroinflammation generated by activated glia. Instead of supporting neuronal connectivity as they do in the healthy brain, glial cells get activated, secrete neurotoxic molecules and contribute to neuronal malfunctions.
Understanding of glial functions, especially microglia and astrocytes and the interplay between peripheral inflammation and neuroinflammation is the key for development of therapeutics aimed at modulating inflammation for CNS benefit. We believe that proper engagement of beneficial microglial functions offers means to combat neurodegenerative diseases. Our research aims at finding not only disease specific but also common mechanism of neuroinflammation and how these can be used to modulate neuroinflammation for CNS benefit.
We use novel, human-based models to find new therapeutic targets for the disease benefit and to discover novel biomarkers. We develop new human iPSC-based models including microglia and immunocompetent organoids and use living human brain tissue biopsies. We investigate cellular responses using various omics approaches, electrophysiology and microscopy techniques.
In addition, we take advantage of animal modelling with functional outcomes. We utilize several both transgenic and surgically induced animal models of neurodegeneration, especially Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. We carry out research using APP/PS1 and 5XFAD mice to model Alzheimer’s disease and permanent and transient stroke models. The functional outcome is measured by using various behavioral tests with long term follow up time.
Figure. Visium 10x spatial transcriptomics of human brain sample section. Image credit: Mireia Gomez Budia.
Figure. Immunohistochemistry staining of human brain sample section. Image credit: Valeriia Sitnikova.
Figure. Immunohistochemistry staining of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived brain organoid assembloid showing human iPSC-microglia (green) interacting with neurons (magenta). Image credit: Susanne Michels.