News and Events
Visits of the Facilitators
The Facilitators will visit faculties and units in January-February 2021 to discuss their activities and cooperation.
Please feel free to contact us and invite us to your unit!
Susanna recommends: Events in English
The Big Questions Institute: A Free Webinar on Assessment and “Ungrading”, June 11
If you are interested in assessment and alternative assessment methods, this is for you. The Big Questions Institute is offering a free webinar in a series that otherwise has a participation fee. Register for the webinar here.
The topic of the webinar is How to “Ungrade” – Imagining Assessment that Encourages Discovery, with Jesse Stommel, an expert in digital pedagogy and critical digital pedagogy.
Digital Pedagogy Webinar Series, hosted by the Teaching and Learning Commons at Kwantlen Polytechnic University
February 23, 2021 | Activism Outside and Inside the Institution with Tara Robertson
March 23, 2021 | Digital Sanctuary: Caring for Our Students’ Data with Dr. Amy Collier
May 18, 2021 | Inclusive Digital Pedagogy in Exclusionary Times with Dr. Kevin Gannon
The past webinars are available as recordings on the website.
For more information about the Digital Pedagogy Webinar Series.
“The Teaching & Learning Commons is proud to host KPU’s inaugural Digital Pedagogy Webinar Series, featuring six exceptional and internationally-renowned speakers who each bring deep expertise and a unique perspective on pedagogy in this digital age. Digital Pedagogy is not about teaching online as much as it is about using digital tools from a critical pedagogical perspective. Accordingly, through this year’s series we will critically explore topics including digital literacies, creativity, privacy perils, and inclusion.”
Events in English:
March 3, 2021: Facilitating Learning in the Times of Uncertainty
“University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University warmly welcome you to a free webinar. The webinar is intended for educational experts such as teachers and university lecturers interested in learning about teacher well-being and student support in times of uncertainty. The webinar is open to all interested. Participants are also able to ask questions via an online chat. Link to participation will be sent by email to all registered.”
News about education and learning environments: