Projects on Environmental Law
Our research projects on environmental law cover topics such as the resilience of legal systems, Finnish land use and cities, among others. Based on our legal expertise, we work in multidisciplinary teams on the following research:

Completed projects

Regoverning the Existing Hydropower System: Integrating ecological, economic and societal aspects of sustainability, SusHydro (2020–2024)

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth, BlueAdapt

Transforming anatomies of democratic planning: Combining planning-theoretical and legal perspectives on flexible regulation in Finnish land use law, Tranaplan (2020-2024)

The project Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making, CORE (2007-2021)

Climate Impacts and Environmental Permit Procedure, ILU (2020–2021)

Water Stewardship 2030 (2020 -2021)