Volunteer and make your stay more fun
Once you’re a MSc EF student you get the huge room of opportunities to be involved in what you’re interested in. And that’s about volunteering, about how I joined ESN Joensuu (Erasmus Student Network) as a vice and local representative. ESN Joensuu is more about the international club of the Student Union of UEF (ISYY). Except for my studies, I joined there to help to organize events that bring together exchange and Finnish students.
Here’re some pics I took at those events:

While volunteering, one gets the benefits like free tickets, discounts for products and services from partners. Actively performing members obtain the possibilities to be the group leaders to Lapland, Lofoten trips free of charge. In events that I attended are the daily trip to Koli national park, a cultural cruise to Stockholm PoBS (Pirates of Baltic Sea).
Some more pics from Finland:

Volunteering is something that I network with and have the power chance to impact and share my contribution at the organizational level. What’s more, once you volunteer at clubs/events, believe me, you’ll have double the experience of your stay in Finland.
Yours sincerely, Dastan. Joensuu, Finland.