Recognised as the leading French Graduate School in Agronomy, Environment, Life science and Food technology, AgroParisTech has a tradition of providing higher education in these fields of more than 150 years. Our mission is to train students through state of the art research and partnerships with agro-industrial companies and to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
The Nancy Centre of AgroParisTech-ENGREF
Within AgroParisTech, ENGREF is in charge of the education in forestry at the master and doctoral levels. Forestry training and research mainly take place at the Nancy Centre, which has close links with the ENGREF campuses of Montpellier in southern France and Kourou in French Guyana. The Nancy centre, which was founded in 1825, specialises in forestry, management of territories with high environmental value, and wood products.
The AgroParisTech-ENGREF Nancy Centre offers students a variety of up-to-date facilities. For example, it has the largest forestry library in France, a well-equipped wood laboratory and advanced hardware and software equipment in GPS and GIS. Students can also get access to the large research facilities at the INRAE centre, which is only 15 km away from Nancy.
AgroParisTech-ENGREF owns three forests where practical training is given in the field. In Nancy, AgroParisTech ENGREF is at the hub of scientific relations with, for example: three local universities, the Epinal engineer school in wood technology, public and private forest institutions, the EFI Observatory for Regional Forests OEF, universities and forest research centres in Freiburg (Germany) and Zürich (Switzerland).
The city of Nancy is 90 minutes away from Paris by high speed train. The AgroParisTech-ENGREF Centre is located in the centre of Nancy close to the railway station and a tram line. Furthermore, in Nancy more than 40 000 students organise a lot of cultural and sports events and the student associations are very active and come in numbers.
MSc European Forestry studies at AgroParisTech-ENGREF
Courses available for our MSc EF students are (each course carries 3 ECTS):
Innovative European Forestry
Temperate forest silviculture and industry
Forests and forestry in a context of global change – with ALU
Tools for innovative forest management
GIS in forest ecology and management
Managing collective innovation project
Advanced statistics
Models for forest research and management
Forest Science (Ecology and Economics) for forest management in the context of climate change
Forest economics and ecosystem service assessment (Comp)
Understanding tree structure and functions
Dynamic of forest plant and tree communities
Biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems
In addition, there will be scientific seminars, forest policy events, etc.
For further information on MSc European Forestry studies in AgroParisTech, please check the website of AgroParisTech/Forests and their environment-FEN and/or contact our French coordinator Professor Meriem Fournier (meriem.fournier(at)
Presentation on MSc European Forestry studies in AgroParisTech
AgroParisTech 2024 (PDF) updated 21 Jan 2024.