Until We Meet Again, Joensuu

Moi! The past week has been a mix of different activities (and emotions) for the entire MSc European Forestry 2022-2024 batch. For most people, the previous week was their last week in Joensuu and everyone was busy completing the remaining requirements from different courses. At the same time, people were busy packing as they moved out of their flats. The month of May will be devoted to the European Forestry Field Course (EFFC) and the last formal gathering of the batch in Joensuu was during the Global Virtual Seminar presentation held on April 26, 2023. Here’s the last batch photo in Joensuu. It was a fun and fulfilling day for everyone.

With most of us leaving, we asked the group about the things they will miss in Joensuu. For Sylvannisa Putri Nina of Indonesia, watching ice hockey games will definitely something she would miss.
“Watching ice hockey matches almost regularly for free! And the stadium is just right in front of the university. 😉”
Let us see what the other people from the batch have to say.
Muhammad Ali of Pakistan

“I fell in love with the serene and calming nature that surrounds the city. I will miss the tranquility and peacefulness that Joensuu offers, and I know it’s hard to find in other places.”
Silvia Ureta of Guatemala

“I will miss my apartment, which became my safe space for inviting friends over for movies, talking to my friends and family over long-distance calls and for meditating in front of nature. I’m sure the calmness I felt around here will never be replicated anywhere else.”
Rasheed Hammed of Nigeria

“For me, what I will miss most in Joensuu is during wintertime because during this time is what I was most active and productive. I really enjoyed that period.”
Care Linayao of the Philippines

“I will miss many, many things in Joensuu. But one of it is the Atrium in the Karjalan Institute in the Aurora building. I hang out here when I need a change of scenery to do my schoolwork and sometimes just hangout.”
Leah Martin of USA

“I’m honestly going to miss almost everything about Joensuu. I’ll specifically miss hockey games, bar play, riding the Tier electric scooter home late at night from friends’ apartments, snow, nature, long days, campus, singing in the campus choir, crafting with friends, game nights, friendly faces, eating at the Bistro and cafeteria, the library, and last but not least, all the amazing friends I have made while in Joensuu. I will not miss ice. 😂”
In the past nine months, Joensuu has been a home for all of us. We have countless ways of describing Joensuu and living here changed a lot of our perspectives. MSc EF 2022-2024 may be heading in different directions by June, but Joensuu will always have a place in us. In essence, we are not leaving Joensuu. Instead, we’re carrying a part of Joensuu with us. Until we meet again, Joensuu!