We are here for you! Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions about our programme. Choosing a graduate programme is an important undertaking and you may have questions that are not answered by the information provided on these webpages. Therefore, if you do have a question, please contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Mailing address
MSc European Forestry secretariat
University of Eastern Finland
School of Forest Sciences
P.O. Box 111, 80101 Joensuu
Staff at the University of Eastern Finland (Coordinating university)

Academic director
Professor Dr. Timo Tokola (UEFConnect)
email. timo.tokola(at)
tel. +358 50 401 5835

Dr. Marjoriitta Möttönen (UEFConnect)
email. marjoriitta.mottonen(at)
tel. +358 50 442 3031
MSc EF contacts at the partner universities.
Please note that questions related to the programme and concerning e.g. application requirements should be directed to the coordinating university (see contact information above) and not to the MSc EF contacts of the partner universities.
AgroParisTech (France)
Professor Dr. Meriem Fournier
email. meriem.fournier(at)
tel. + 33 3 83 39 4000
University of Freiburg (Germany)
Professor Dr. Thomas Seifert
email. thomas.seifert(at)
tel. +49 761 203 3788
University of Lleida (Spain)
Professor Dr. Cristina Vega-Garcia
email. cvega(at)
tel. +34 973 70 2546
University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
Associate Professor Dr. Harald Vacik
email. harald.vacik(at)
tel. + 43 1 47 654 9 1312
Transilvania University of Brașov (Romania)
Professor Dr. Alexandru Lucian Curtu
email. lucian.curtu(at)
tel. +40 26 81 3757