Graduation of Muhammad Ali (19.2.2025)
Mr. Muhammad Ali has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
The call for student applications (23.1.2025)
All in all 105 applications were received in the call for student applications for the course starting in August 2025. All applicants will be notified about the selection results by 28 May 2025.
Graduation of Magdalena Jovanovic (23.1.2025)
Ms. Magdalena Jovanovic has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ngozi Peace Edum (22.1.2025)
Ms. Ngozi Peace Edum has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Thibaut Le Gars (17.11.2024)
Mr. Thibaut Le Gars has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Jaena Naejan Evangelista Tiongco (14.11.2024)
Ms. Jaena Naejan Evangelista Tiongco has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ngawang Thapke Sherpa (23.10.2024)
Mr. Ngawang Thapke Sherpa has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Altin Topalli (15.10.2024)
Mr. Altin Topalli has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation and alumni event 2024 in Nancy, France (27.9.2024)
The graduation and alumni event of the MSc EF graduates 2023-2024 took place at AgroParisTech, France 26.-27.9.2024. The programme included a sightseeing tour in Nancy and a graduation ceremony followed by an excursion to AgroParisTech Brin Forest on the following day. Altogether 25 graduates from 19 different nationalities had graduated since our previous graduation event at the University of Lleida in September 2023 and were acknowledged in this event. Our warm congratulations to all our graduates and many thanks to the organising team at AgroParisTech. See the photos at our Facebook site.
Graduation of Khin Pyae Sone Kyaw (18.09.2024)
Ms. Khin Pyae Sone Kyaw has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in European Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Joshua Elokut Amaitum (17.9.2024)
Mr. Joshua Elokut Amaitum has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Sofia Viskadourou (16.09.2024)
Ms. Sofia Viskadourou has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Rasheed Hammed (16.09.2024)
Mr. Rasheed Hammed has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Tâm Thi Thanh Do (16.9.2024)
Ms. Tâm Thi Thanh Đŏ has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Elkin Sanchez Garcia (12.9.2024)
Mr. Elkin Sanchez Garcia has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Dennis Rosales (12.9.2024)
Mr. Dennis Rosales has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Leah Martin (12.9.2024)
Ms. Leah Martin has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Angie Lisseth Bernal Torres (12.9.2024)
Ms. Angie Lisseth Bernal Torres has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Silvia Ximena Ureta Cifuentes (11.9.2024)
Ms. Silvia Ximena Ureta Cifuentes has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Anwarul Chowdhury (11.09.2024)
Mr. Anwarul Chowdhury has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Camilla Rocha Rodrigues Cordeiro (09.09.2024)
Ms. Camilla Rocha Rodrigues Cordeiro has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in European Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation event 2023 in Nancy (26-27.9.2024)
The graduation event 2024 of the MSc EF graduates will take place at AgroParisTech in Nancy (France) in September. The programme will include a sightseeing tour in Nancy and a graduation ceremony followed by an excursion on the following day. The registration link for the event has been sent via MSc EF email lists.
Graduation of Gbenga Lawrence Alawode (31.07.2024)
Mr. Gbenga Lawrence Alawode has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Shelby Corning (31.07.2024)
Ms. Shelby Corning has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Abir Sinchuri (23.07.2024)
Mr. Abir Sinchuri has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in European Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Alumni event 2024 in conjunction with IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden (25.6.2024)
The alumni event of the MSc EF took place in conjunction with IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden in June. The programme included speeches and a dinner. Altogether 45 graduates, staff member and students participated in this event. See the photos at our Facebook site.
European Forestry Master Programme recognised with a Master Course Award (26.5.2024)
The European Commission has awarded a Master Course Award to the Erasmus+ Mundus Joint Masters Program in European Forestry. The MSc EF is one of the five oldest Erasmus Mundus programmes still running today, and the award is a recognition of the programme’s outstanding contribution to the success of the Erasmus Mundus programmes over the years.
The call for student applications (28.3.2024)
All in all 237 applications were received in the call for student applications for the course starting in August 2024. All applicants have been notified about the selection results on 28 March 2024.
Graduation of Peter Kangas (11.3.2024)
Mr. Peter Kangas has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
The call for student applications (5.3.2024)
All in all 237 applications were received in the call for student applications for the course starting in August 2024. All applicants will be notified about the selection results by 12 April 2024.
Graduation of Muna Chaudhary (31.1.2024)
Mr. Muna Chaudhary has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Praseedamol Kandathinkal John (12.1.2024)
Ms. Praseedamol Kandathinkal John has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Rodrigo Herrera Sanz (11.1.2024)
Mr. Rodrigo Herrera Sanz has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Rebecca Montemagni Almeida (9.1.2024)
Ms. Rebecca Montemagni Almeida has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Olamidayo Fasalejo (3.1.2024)
Mr. Olamidayo Fasalejo has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Dastan Torokulov (1.12.2023)
Mr. Dastan Torokulov has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Kusi Ururi Milla Sánchez (19.11.2023)
Ms. Kusi Ururi Milla Sánchez has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Abir Dey (4.11.2023)
Mr. Abir Dey has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Mihail Negară (26.10.2023)
Mr. Mihail Negară has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation event 2023 in Lleida (21.9.2023)
The graduation event of the MSc EF graduates 2022-2023 took place at the University of Lleida. The programme included a welcoming lunch, a sightseeing tour in Lleida and a graduation ceremony followed by an excursion on the following day. Our warm congratulations to all our graduates and many thanks to the organising team at the University of Lleida. See the photos at our Facebook site. The recording of the event can be watched HERE.
Graduation of Arnaldo Marques Caldeira da Silva (21.9.2023)
Mr. Arnaldo Marques Caldeira da Silva has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Zhongyu Xia (15.9.2023)
Ms. Zhongyu Xia has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Haoming Zhong (15.9.2023)
Ms. Haoming Zhong has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Gustavo Tudela Haberland (14.09.2023)
Mr. Gustavo Tudela Haberland has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ronit Bohra (12.9.2023)
Mr. Ronit Bohra has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Adelin-Ionut Nicorescu (13.08.2023)
Mr. Adelin-Ionut Nicorescu has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
MSc EF Virtual Summer Opening (19.06.2023)
MSc EF organised the virtual summer opening event for its graduates, students and consortium staff. This event took place via Zoom on Thursday 19 June at 5.00-6.30 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event can be found HERE. Many thanks to our graduates who gave interesting presentations about their career steps after graduating from the MSc EF.
Graduation of Darius-George Hardalau (07.06.2023)
Mr. Darius-George Hardalau has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Amina Derlic (12.5.2023)
Ms. Amina Derlic has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Johanna San Pedro (28.4.2023)
Ms. Johanna San Pedro has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ané Venter (30.3.2023)
Ms. Ané Venter has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Student selection results (24.03.2023)
All applicants have been informed about the student selection results on 24 March 2023. We received 303 applications, admitted 50 students and were able to propose 19 EMJMD scholarships to the admitted students.
Graduation of Mahtuf Ikhsan (28.02.2023)
Mr. Mahtuf Ikhsan has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
The call for the applications is now closed (19.01.2023)
The call for student applications for the course starting in August 2023 is now closed. Altogether 303 applications were received. All applicants will be informed about the selection results by email by latest on 31 March.
Graduation of Henriette Gercken (11.01.2023)
Ms. Henriette Gercken has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
MSc EF Virtual Christmas glogg (01.12.2022)
MSc EF organises the virtual event for its graduates, students and consortium members. This event will take place via Zoom on Thursday 8 December at 7.00-8.30 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event (PDF) can be found HERE.
Graduation of Karen Mae Dacug Magtibay (11.11.2022)
Ms. Karen Mae Dacug Magtibay has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Solo Remonatto Rizzi (10.11.2022)
Mr. Solo Remonatto Rizzi has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Karuna Karki (10.11.2022)
Ms. Karuna Karki has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Rixzin Wangchuk (31.10.2022)
Mr. Rixzin Wangchuk has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Oliver Frings (29.10.2022)
Mr. Oliver Frings has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Joseph Mumuni (17.10.2022)
Mr. Joseph Mumuni has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Sara Pineda Zapata (14.10.2022)
Ms. Sara Pineda Zapata has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Fellice Catelo (14.10.2022)
Ms. Fellice Catelo has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of José González Santacruz (06.10.2022)
Mr. José González Santacruz has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Brunella Palacios Ganoza (03.10.2022)
Ms. Brunella Palacios Ganoza has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Egy Dia Saputri (03.10.2022)
Ms. Egy Dia Saputri has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
The 20th year anniversary celebrations in Freiburg (23.09.2022)
The 20th year anniversary celebrations of the MSc EF took place in Freiburg, Germany. Altogether there were about 60 participants including our graduates, students, staff and invited guests. You can find a group photograph HERE.
The new MSc EF music video (23.09.2022)
The world premiere of the new MSc EF music video took place in Freiburg on 23 Sep 2023. You can find the video here.
The 20th Anniversary celebrations of the MSc EF (19.09.2022)
The updated programme for the celebrations can be found HERE.
Graduation of Luigui Ramirez Parra (15.09.2022)
Mr. Luigui Ramirez Parra has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Felipe Passos Caffaro (15.09.2022)
Mr. Felipe Passos Caffaro has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ajdin Starcevic (02.09.2022)
Mr. Ajdin Starcevic has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Marcel Kruk Jagnow (31.08.2022)
Mr. Marcel Kruk Jagnow has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in European Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Camila Maciel Viana (30.08.2022)
Ms. Camila Maciel Viana has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Priscillia Christiani (22.08.2022)
Ms. Priscillia Christiani has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in European Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Thanh Son Tran (11.07.2022)
Mr. Thanh Son Tran has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Jessenia Polack Huaman (05.07.2022)
Ms. Jessenia Polack Huoman has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Elaine Parlade (04.07.2022)
Ms. Elaine Parlade has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Anamika Menon (27.06.2022)
Ms. Anamika Menon has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Yasmin Imparato Maximo (20.06.2022)
Ms. Yasmin Imparato Maximo has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
MSc EF 20-year anniversary celebrations (13.06.2022)
The 20-year anniversary celebrations of the MSc EF programme will be organised in Freiburg (Germany) on 23 – 24 September 2022. The event is open for all MSc EF students, graduates and staff from all years. A link to the programme and registration HERE.
Graduation of Pemelyn Boado Santos (06.06.2022)
Ms. Pemelyn Boado Santos has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Charles S. Judd (06.06.2022)
Mr. Charles S. Judd has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Degree from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden). Congratulations!
MSc EF 20-year anniversary celebrations (26.04.2022)
The 20-year anniversary celebrations of the MSc EF programme will be organised in Freiburg (Germany) on 23 – 24 September 2022. More information, programme and a link to the registration form will be opened shortly. The event is open for all MSc EF students, graduates and staff from all years.
MSc EF Virtual Summer Opening (26.04.2022)
MSc EF will organise the virtual summer opening event for its graduates, students and consortium staff. This event will take place via Zoom on Thursday 9 June at 5.00-6.30 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event can be found HERE.
Graduation of Gerardo Rodas Amarilla (19.04.2022)
Mr. Gerardo Rodas Amarilla has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Md. Rayhanur Rahman (14.04.2022)
Mr. Md. Rayhanur Rahman has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Student selection results (25.03.2022)
All applicants have been informed about the student selection results on 25 March 2022. We received 222 applications admitted 48 students and were able to propose 26 EMJMD scholarships to the admitted students.
Graduation of Thomas Henson (21.02.2022)
Mr. Thomas Henson has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Simant Rimal (15.02.2022)
Mr. Simant Rimal has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Lucas Moura de Abreu (20.01.2022)
Mr. Lucas Moura de Abreu has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
The call for the applications is now closed (20.01.2022)
The call for student applications for the course starting in August 2022 is now closed. Altogether 222 applications were received. All applicants will be informed about the selection results by email by latest on 31 March.
Graduation of Diana-Cristina Simon (27.12.2021)
Ms. Diana-Cristina Simon has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Camila Freitas Moinhos de Miranda (27.12.2021)
Ms. Camila Freitas Moinhos de Miranda has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Lauma Miezite (22.12.2021)
Ms. Lauma Miezite has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Jinshuang Niu (22.12.2021)
Ms. Jinshuang Niu has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Shaohui Zhang (21.12.2021)
Mr. Shaohui Zhang has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
MSc EF Virtual Christmas glogg (24.11.2021)
MSc EF organises the virtual event for its graduates, students and consortium members. This event will take place via Zoom on Thursday 9 December at 7.00-8.30 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event (PDF) can be found HERE
Graduation of Fernando Esteban Montero de Oliveira (22.10.2021)
Mr. Fernando Esteban Montero de Oliveira has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ana Lucía Mendez Cartin (21.09.2021)
Ms. Ana Lucía Mendez Cartin has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Jorge Castel Clavera (21.09.2021)
Mr. Jorge Castel Clavera has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Get-together and graduation event of the MSc EF 2019 course and the graduates of 2021 (19.09.2021)
The MSc EF programme organised a get-together and graduation event for the students of the MSc EF 2019 course and the graduates of the year 2021. The programme included a graduation ceremony at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and a field excursion on the following day. The programme for the event can be found HERE (PDF)
Graduation of Balázs Garamszegi (28.08.2021)
Mr. Balázs Garamszegi has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Ignatius Adikurnia (25.08.2021)
Mr. Ignatius Adikurnia has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Kamal Acharya (10.08.2021)
Mr. Kamal Acharya has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Reinis Cimdins (02.08.2021)
Mr. Reinis Cimdins has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Surya Prasad Mainali (16.07.2021)
Mr. Surya Prasad Mainali has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
MSc EF Virtual Summer Opening (10.06.2021)
MSc EF organised the virtual summer opening event for its graduates, students and consortium staff. This event took place via Zoom on Thursday 10 June at 7.00-8.30 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event can be found HERE (PDF)
Graduation of Leon Dijks (09.06.2021)
Mr. Leon Dijks has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Julie Kheidr (03.06.2021)
Ms. Julie Kheidr has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Student selection results (23.03.2021)
All applicants have been informed about the student selection results on 23 March 2021. We received 175 applications admitted 49 students and were able to propose 23 EMJMD scholarships to the admitted students.
Graduation of Firza Riany (03.03.2021)
Ms. Firza Riany has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Trung Hoang (01.03.2021)
Mr. Trung Hoang has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Mariana Silva Andrade (25.02.2021)
Ms. Mariana Silva Andrade has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Mona Nazari (09.02.2021)
Ms. Mona Nazari has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
The call for the applications is now closed (20.01.2021)
The call for student applications for the course starting in August 2021 is now closed. Altogether 175 applications were received. All applicants will be informed about the selection results by email by latest on 26 March.
Graduation of José Rodrigo Mendes e Chagas (07.12.2020)
Mr. José Rodrigo Mendes e Chagas has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
The call for student applications is open (01.12.2020)
The call for student applications is open 1 December – 20 January. We warmly welcome talented and enthusiastic students from all over the world to apply. The minimum eligibility criteria are good command of English language and a BSc degree in forestry or other related field. The next MSc European Forestry Course begins in August 2021.
Graduation of Hsiao-Fan Wu (26.11.2020)
Ms. Hsiao-Fan Wu has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Graduation of Prakash Nepal (26.11.2020)
Mr. Prakash Nepal has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
MSc EF Virtual Christmas glogg (25.11.2020)
MSc EF organises the first virtual event for its graduates, students and consortium staff. This event will take place via Zoom on Thursday 10 December at 7.00-8.15 p.m. (Finnish time). The programme for the event can be found HERE (PDF).
Graduation of Simon Fleckenstein (11.11.2020)
Mr. Simon Fleckenstein has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
MSc EF starts a blog and an official Instagram (13.11.2020)
MSc EF programme’s new blog is available at this website. In this blog our students write about their experiences in studying in the MSc EF. Also we start to be more active in our Facebook and Instagram postings. We hope to meet you through our social media channels!
Graduation of Aditya Acharya (06.11.2020)
Mr. Aditya Acharya has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master in Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest from AgroParisTech (France). Congratulations!
Autumn gets off to a good start in the MSc EF (23.10.2020)
New students on the Master’s degree programmes taught in English at the University of Eastern Finland have got off to a good start in their studies, despite challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Please see the whole article at
Graduation of Yang Dong (23.09.2020)
Ms. Yang Dong has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Larissa Delazari Deniz (23.09.2020)
Ms. Larissa Delazari Deniz has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Gargi Tariyal (17.09.2020)
Ms. Gargi Tariyal has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science In European Forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Congratulations!
Graduation of Matheus Soares Costa (17.09.2020)
Mr. Matheus Soares Costa has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Juriaan Zandvliet (07.09.2020)
Mr. Juriaan Zandvliet has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Raul de Paula Pires (21.07.2020)
Mr. Raul de Paula Pires has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science Erasmus Mundus in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Congratulations!
Graduation of Renata Aquayo Lopes da Silva (20.07.2020)
Ms. Renata Aguayo Lopes da Silva has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Forestry from the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania). Congratulations!
Graduation of Huu Minh Pham (20.07.2020)
Mr. Huu Minh Pham has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Shourav Dutta (15.04.2020)
Mr. Shourav Dutta has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
Graduation of Joanna Pranga (04.03.2020)
Ms. Joanna Pranga has graduated from the MSc EF programme and received the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry from the UEF and the Master of Science in Forest Sciences from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Congratulations!
All applicants have been informed about the selection results (26.3.2020)
All 195 applicants have been informed about the selection results today by email. This year we were able to admit 44 applicants and to propose 23 EMJMD scholarships. The progamme will start on 5 August in case there are no restrictions due to the current situation with the coronavirus. Admitted students will be informed about the possible changes.
The call for student applications is now closed (22.1.2020)
The call for the student applications for the course starting in August 2020 is now closed. Altogether 195 applications were received. All applicants will be informed about the selection results by the latest on 27 March 2020 by email.