Thesis seminar and thesis
Thesis seminar
The Thesis Seminar deals with the different forestry topics that the MSc European Forestry students have chosen as subjects for their master’s theses. The aims of the seminar are:
- to increase awareness of different master’s theses carried out by the students of the MSc European Forestry programme,
- to provide a platform for online viewing of the students’ theses presentations,
- to provide a forum for discussions on each of the topics, and
- to facilitate the distance interaction of students, graduates and staff of the MSc European Forestry programme.
How does it work?
You prepare a presentation about your master theses (10–15 minutes, about 7 slides) with the main focus on the results. The presentations include videos of the speakers narrating the different slides, creating a virtual environment where the viewer can play the presentation, or parts of it, as many times as needed.
You will participate in the discussion forum by commenting and asking questions on the ELEARN course site where you can log in with your UEF username and password within a week after the presentation is made available online. The presenter will have an additional week to give feedback to the participants and answer their questions. After this period, the discussion on the Thesis presentation will be closed.
Below are the detailed instructions for seminar participation:
Thesis seminar instructions (PDF)
Open seminars
Seminars can be found in the ELEARN course (requires login with UEF username) .
Composing a master’s thesis, 30 ECTS, is one of the most important components of the MSc European Forestry curriculum. It trains you to carry out research independently in the field of forest sciences. The goal is to produce a piece of research work that could be published in an international scientific journal. The thesis must be prepared according to the guidelines given by the host university.
MSc EF thesis guidelines (PDF)
MSc European Forestry students’ thesis database
Some of the theses written can be found as e-publications HERE .
MSc European Forestry Course 2022
Predicting individual tree attributes by integrating unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning in managed mixed forest
Muhammad Ali (from Pakistan, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions due to wood harvesting and supply: model parameterization and sensitivity analysis
Joshua Elokut Amaitum (from Uganda, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
A spatially explicit containment modelling approach for escaped wildfires in a Mediterranean climate using machine learning
Gbenga Lawrence Alawode (from Nigeria, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Afforestation/Reforestation/Revegetation projects within the Voluntary Carbon Market: an in-depth, data-based assessment
Angie Lisseth Bernal Torres (from Colombia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Predicting ecosystem services using remote sensing and machine learning in boreal drained peatland forests
Anwarul Chowdhury (from Bangladesh, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Differentiate cocoa plantations from forests by using Landsat-8 and ALOS-2 PALSAR -2 in Côte d’Ivoire
Tâm Thi Thanh Đŏ (from Vietnam, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Justice dimension of bioeconomy strategies of South Africa and Costa Rica
Ngozi Peace Edum (from Nigeria, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Modeling areas burned in forest fires over 2000-2015 in
Catalonia (Northeast Spain)
Rasheed Hammed (from Nigeria, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Identifying and predicting tree-related microhabitats on downed deadwood and stump
Magdalena Jovanovic (from Serbia, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Towards coexistence: Identifying factors influencing human-elephant conflict in Ayeyarwady region, Myanmar
Khin Pyae Sone Kyaw (from Myanmar, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
The relationship of the incidence and abundance of entopathogenic fungi with the spruce bark beetle population
Thibaut Le Gars (from France, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Effect of bacterial inoculum and alder leaf litter on the productivity and nitrogen use efficiencies of young alder and ryegrass in agroforestry and monoculturet
Leah Martin (from US, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Moose habitats in Finland during winter with special attention to tree species composition of young stands
Camilla Rocha Rodrigues Cordeiro (from Brasil, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
Financial viability of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems for forest restoration in the Bajo Río Guainía y Río Negro, Colombia
Elkin Sanchez Garcia (from Colombia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Advancing Innovations in Forestry: A Stakeholder-Centered Evaluation using the Living Lab Approach
Dennis Rosales (from the Philippines, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Classification of forest main types and site types using multispectral airborne laser scanning data and random forest classifier
Ngawang Thapke Sherpa (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Assessment of vegetation dynamics and associated trade-offs in sub-alpine grasslands on Bhutan
Abir Sinchuri (from Bhutan, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
How do kinship, site factors, and thinning affect the growth and architecture of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)?
Altin Topalli (from Kosovo, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Living Lab Conceptualization towards Community Forest Management – A Case Study of the Mayan Biosphere (MBR) in Guatemala
Silvia Ximena Ureta Cifuentes (from Guatemala, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Landscape-level characterization of poplar plantations and riparian poplar forests
Sofia Viskadourou (from Greece, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
MSc European Forestry Course 2021
Greenhouse gas fluxes across climatic gradients in mountain national parks of the Iberian Peninsula
Ronit Bohra (from India, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Estimation of volume and biomass of large-sized oak and beech trees using terrestrial laser scanning
Muna Chaudhary (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Climate change effect on the general trend in growth of Fagus sylvatica along the elevation of the Vosges Mountains
Abir Dey (from Bangladesh, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Assessment of branch structure and branch biomass estimation of Acer pseudoplantanus (Sycamore maple) using terrestrial laser scanning point clouds
Olamidayo Fasalejo (from Nigeria, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Airborne LiDAR and Artificial Intelligence – a Novel Approach to Fire Risk Modeling and Fire Prevention in Navarra (Spain)
Rodrigo Herrera Sanz (from Spain, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Assessing the diversity and distribution of selected woody NWFP species in the Mooswald, Freiburg
Praseedamol Kandathinkal John (from India, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Armillaria root rot canopy gaps in Pinus uncinata stands in the Spanish Pyrenees
Peter Kangas (from Norway, thesis at the University of Lleida)
Impacts of forest management and climate change on wood products carbon emissions
Arnaldo Marques C. da Silva (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida)
Modeling tree species future distribution in a context of climate change to develop decision-making tool for restoration projects: the case study of Atlantic Forest in Brazil
Rebecca Montemagni Almeida (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Runoff control potential of MRW-based green roofs under Mediterranean climate
Mihail Negară (from Romania, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Stepping into the EUDR: Alignment Assessment of Costa Rica’s Coffee Production
Kusi Ururi Milla Sanchez (from Peru, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Leaf morphology in the white oak species complex
Adelin-Ionut Nicorescu (from Romania, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Innovation in the European Forest Sector: Trends and characteristics of EU funded projects
Jaena Naejan Evangelista Tiongco (from The Philippines, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Participation in forest restoration projects in Kyrgyz Republic
Dastan Torokulov (from Kyrgyzstan, thesis at the University of Freiburg)
Soil organic carbon and functionality 5 years after thinning and slash burning
Gustavo Tudela Haberland (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Potential of high-density LiDAR data for the characterization of Acacia mearnsii wood energy resource in Réunion Island
Zhongyu Xia (from China, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Assessing coupled process-based models’ performance in predicting tree mortality under climate change
Haoming Zhong (from China, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
MSc European Forestry Course 2020
Anticipating future extreme wildfire events by predicting probability of ignition and success in initial attack in Catalunya
Fellice Catelo (from the Philippines, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Island of fire – Testing of IIASA’s wildfire model (FLAM) in Sardinia, IT
Shelby Corning (from the US, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
The effect of hydrology restoration on 33 red-listed plant species distribution on boreal peatlands
Priscillia Christiani (from Indonesia, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
Do individual PES buyers care about additionality and free-riding? A choice experiment
Oliver Frings (from Germany, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Response of ecosystem services to close-to-nature and traditional forest management in sub-humid Mediterranean forests
Henriette Gercken (from Germany, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Comparative assessment of natural regeneration across natural forest reserves in Austria
Darius Hardalau (from Romania, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of green hydrogen production via wood waste gasification
Mahtuf Ikhsan (from Indonesia, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Competitiveness of Brazilian softwood lumber in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Marcel Kruk Jagnow (from Brazil, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
Risk and uncertainty attitude and climate change perception of forestry professionals in Nepal in line with IPBES NFF narratives
Karuna Karki (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Optimising multi-stakeholder participation and collaboration for deforestation-free cocoa supply chain: lessons from Integrated Approaches in Ghana
Joseph Mumuni (from Ghana, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
NANOFOREST PROJECT: A proposal for testing the future of the French forest species under climate warming and future distribution uncertainty
Brunella Palacios Ganoza (from Peru, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Connectivity of protected areas in Colombia: Identification and prioritization of potential corridors
Sara Pineda Zapata (from Colombia, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Evaluating models transferability in multisource forest inventories. A closer look at validity domains: from local to global models
Luigui Ramirez Parra (from Columbia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Modelling commercial thinning (CT) regimes for timber production in interior British Columbia, Canada
Solo Remonatto Rizzi (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Economic valuation of ecosystem services in Mediterranean pine forests
Johanna San Pedro (from the Philippines, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Influence of drying and chemical analysis methods on the wood mineral elements in tree rings
Egy Dia Saputri (from Indonesia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Forest dynamics of the natural forest reserve Schiffwald
Ajdin Starcevic (from Bosnia and Herzegovina, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Do mixes-species planted forests perform better than monocultures during short-term drought events in central Panamanian tropical lowland forests?
Ané Venter (from South Africa, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
The Factors that Influence the Contribution of Non-Wood Forest Products to Rural Livelihoods and the Roles of Policies surrounding NWFPs in Bhutan
Rixzin Wangchuk (from Bhutan, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
MSc European Forestry Course 2019
Evaluation of forest management institution (Community Forestry) based on 3L model in Nepal
Kamal Acharya (from Nepal, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
Exploration of landscape factors affecting the spatio-temporal patters of forest wildfire activity
Jorge Castel Clavera (From Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Point cloud-based tree canopy property and wood density relation
Reinis Cimdins (from Latvia, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania)
Phylogeography of the bark beetle predator Thanasimus formicarius (L.) (Coleoptera, Cleridae)
Amina Derlic (from Bosnia and Herzegovina, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Effects of climate change in Finland: The influence of teleconnections on the Fire Weather Index
Camila Freitas Moinhos de Miranda (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Assessing the protective potential of non-chemical treatments in future Hylobius abietis management.
Thomas Henson (from UK, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Forest bioeconomy in Brazil: recent developments and opportunities.
Yasmin Imparato Maximo (from Brazil, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Global causes of long-term changes in growth and phenology of forest herbaceous plants.
Ana Lucía Méndez Cartín (from Costa Rica, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Fire danger pathways under climate change and management scenarios
Lauma Elza Miezite (from Latvia, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Under what conditions do Payment for Environmental Services achieve forest conservation in the Amazon? A Realist Synthesis.
Fernando Esteban Montero de Oliveira (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Policy integration in the forest-water nexus in the state of Paraná, Brazil
Lucas Moura de Abreu (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Analysis of forest fire dynamics and contributing factors in Finland and Sweden
Jinshuang Niu (from China, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Amplifying impacts of social innovations in the forest sector
Elaine Parlade (from the Philippines, thesis thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Admixture proportion and density effects on growth and mortality in a mixed plantation with two competing deciduous tree species
Felipe Passos Caffaro (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Forest management decisions analysis for water services in Germany
Simant Rimal (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Evaluation of site conditions for better selection of suitable areas for plantation
Gerardo Rodas Amarilla (from Paraguay, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Wood-based constructions and their policy networks: an analysis of Joensuu, Finland
Md. Rayhanur Rahman (from Bangladesh, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
The influence of thinning intensity and frequency on growth and provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean mountain pine forests under climate change scenario
Diana-Cristina Simon (from Romania, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Mapping tree species suitability based on Fuzzy set theory
Son Tran Thanh (from Vietnam, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Unit-level small area estimation of forest inventory with GEDI auxiliary information in France
Shaohui Zhang (from China, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
MSc European Forestry Course 2018
Dynamics of forest limit elevation in the French Pyrenees (Between 1850 and the present day).
Aditya Acharya (from Nepal, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Imaging of phloem transport using Diffusive Injection Micropipette (DIMP) and x-ray micro computed tomography.
Ignatius Adikurnia (From Indonesia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Using the SDG Action Manager to address the Sustainable Development Goals in a forest company.
Renata Aguayo Lopez (from Brazil, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania)
A novel hybrid approach for species-specific forest inventory in boreal forests with multispectral airborne LIDAR.
Raul de Paula Pires (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
What makes REDD+ work on local level? – A comparative review of multi-geographical experiences.
Simon Fleckenstein (from Germany, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Detection and modeling of storm damage in forests using satellite imagery-based spatial patterns.
Balázs Garamszegi (from Hungary, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Tree ring development in relation to species richness and climate in a tropical plantation
José González Santacruz (from Spain, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Usage and economic values of the timber of non-native tree species in the Alps
Camila Maciel Viena (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Frame Analysis of the Roles of Forests in SDG 15.1-Related Policies
Karen Magtibay (from the Philippines, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Collaboration and exchange of knowledge in bio, circular and green economy in Brazil, China and Finland.
José Rodrigo Mendes e Chagas (from Brazil, thesis at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania)
Analysis of the management interventions for forest fire prevention in “ZAP” (Zones d’Actuació Prioritària) of Province of Barcelona.
Prakash Nepal (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in ICA Valley – Current situation and challenges
Jessenia Polack Huaman (from Peru, thesis thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
How do tree diversity and fertilization affect above and belowground biomass allocation in young tree communities?
Surya Prasad Mainali (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Climate and drought related effects on xylogenesis of Norway spruce along elevation gradient
Pemelyn Boado Santos (from Philippines, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Genetic control of resistance in the interaction between black poplar and rust fungus.
Firza Riany (from Indonesia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Planning evacuation routes for wildfires in Central Catalonia by analysing transport networks under extreme fire behaviour.
Matheus Soares Costa (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Analysis of the stakeholder perceptions and trends of forest fire occurrence in the Alpine region.
The Trung Hoang (from Vietnam, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
MSc European Forestry Course 2017
Spatial prioritization of management zones within protected areas for integration of completing objectives.
Héctor Abarca Velencoso (from Spain, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
The relationship between price of thinning sales, wood market and forest stand characteristics: A case study in a Romanian private company.
Murilo de Almeida Furtado (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Modeling the influence of eucalypt plantations on wildfire occurrence and propagation in Western Brazil.
Luiz Felipe de Castro Galizia (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Modelling time and fuel usage in timber transport in mountain forestry.
Larissa Delazari Deniz (from Brazil, thesis at at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Tree species effect on soil chemical fertility under different harvest scenarios.
Leon Dijks (from the Netherlands, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
The impact of climate on radial growth of Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus wutaishanica in Shanxi, China.
Yang Dong (from China, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Influence of drought on the performance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in mixed beech-fir (Abies alba) cultivation.
Shourav Dutta (from Bangladesh, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Forest ecosystem services frames in EU forest-focused and related policies.
Jerbelle Elomina (from the Philippines, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Climate change tracers in boreal forests under increased summer air humidity.
Iulian-Dan Gutas (from Romania, thesis at AgroParisTech)
Urban food forestry: Filling the gaps.Julie Kheidr (from Canada, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Modeling the drought impact on the productivity of a Scots pine forest.
Kenta Koyanagi (from Japan, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Estimation of carbon stock and carbon sequestration of community forest in Siwalik region of Nepal.
Sangharshasaksham Mishra (from Nepal, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Identifying successful mechanisms for the implementation of PES across the globe.
Mona Nazari (from Iran thesis at at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
The effects of aspect and thinning treatment on biomass allometric equations for the natural regeneration of European Beech (Fagus sylvativa L.) on the experimental plots in Möhringen, Southwest Germany.
Huu Minh Pham (from Vietnam, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Analysis of drought patters in beech stands concerning environmental factors in Switzerland.
Joanna Pranga (from Poland, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Endophytic community responses associated with Diplodia shoot blight on four Pinus spp. in NE Spain.
Maia Ridley (from UK, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Evaluation of drought effects on radial stem growth of Norway spruce and Scots pine in Tyrol.
Mariana Silva Andrade (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Building resilient livelihoods towards biotic and abiotic disturbance factors in Bhutan – A community based adaptation to global change.
Gargi Tariyal (from India, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Influence of tree applications in vineyard agroforestry systems.
Hsiaofan Wu (from Taiwan, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Future novel threats to European forestry.
Juriaan Zandvliet (from the Netherlands, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Growth assessment of tree species growing in the Amhara region in Ethiopia.
Binyam Alemu Yosef (from Ethiopia, thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
MSc European Forestry Course 2016
Biomass and mineralomass assessment in forest stands intensively managed for fuel wood.
Sanjoy Roy (from Bangladesh, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Intra-annual wood formation dynamics of Douglas fir provenances as a response to environmental factors .
Lucas Toniolo Junior (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
MSc European Forestry Course 2015
Tools for airborne laser scanning data simulation of forest plots.
Rafael Bohn Reckziegel (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Form over Function? Stakeholder perception of Atlas cedar in France and Douglas fir in Germany.
Jakob Derks (from Belgium, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
So, what’s your view on afforestation? Uncovering the behavioural psychology of woodland creation in England with the Theory of Planned Behaviour.
Miles Drury (from UK, thesis at the Wageningen University)
Policy analysis of the implementation of the EU timber regulation in France.
Hélène Koch (from Belgium, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
Comparison of sustainable forest management on the VPA and FSC standards: the case of Cameroon.
Giovana Logullo (from Brazil, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Comparative analysis of coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. Menziesii) productivity between Southwest Germany and the Pasific Northwest of the United States.
Aidan Stephens (from USA, thesis at the University of Freiburg, Germany)
MSc European Forestry Course 2014
Models for individual tree mortality in Catalonia.
Luiz Casimiro (from Brazil, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Interactive effects of tree diversity and hydric constraint on insect herbivory.
Angelina Ceballos-Escalera Fernández (from Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Markets of non-timber forest products in the Cerrado: The supply of Pequi and Baru in Central Brazil.
Sabina Dessartre Mendonca (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Development of an agroforestry project in the Brazilian Amazon: does pasture land cover poses a higher mortality for tree seedlings?
Tecá Horokoski (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
An early study on the potential of landscape and geographical variables to reduce bias in the forest forecast planning in Ireland – A view on the value of data mining and industry and era rich in information
Charles S. Judd (from Greece, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciennces, Sweden)
Mitigating human-wildlife conflict through compensation: A case study of the white-tailed eagle on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.
Yi-Chun Liu (from Taiwan, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Pure or mixture plantations in northern Costa Rica? Effect of species and structural diversity on productivity of three native and one exotic tree species.
Bárbara Magdalena San Martin (from Spain, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Cooperation or conflict? An analysis of global forest governance.
Catherine Ohler (from Canada, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Agreement or chance? How exact are tree markings in forest management?
Carlos Pallarés Ramos (from Spain, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Forest owners and attitudes towards conservation policy in Sweden – A typology of non-industral private forest owners.
Miguel Rivière (from France, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Dead wood structures and tree microhabitats in Pinus nigra forests of varying management histories in Catalonia.
Nicholas Sande (from US, thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
Intra-specific leaf trait plasticity of European beech, sessile oak and Norway spruce driven by inter-specific competition in mixed vs. pure stands.
Hernán Serrano León (from Spain, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
The interaction effect of functional diversity and species richness on plant traits in mixed forests.
Joost van Arendonk (from the Netherlands, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
MSc European Forestry Course 2013
Silvicultural practices for wild pear (Pyrus pyraster).
Thomas Asbeck (from Germany, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Can lateral fluxes improve estimates of available water for trees?
Janice Burns (from Canada, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Comparison of forest-wood-supply chains and their economic assessment of Eucalyptus plantation for biomass production in “Estancia Lomas” (Paraguay). David González Fernández (from Spain, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Analysis of hydrologic regime and land cover change in a “paired watershed” system.
Guilherme Herrero Bastos (from Brazil, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Integrating climate change uncertainty and deadwood maintenance into adoptive forest management in Europe.
Lessa Derci Augustynczik, Andrey (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
The national forest land scheme (NFLS) implementation in rural Scotland: Cases of Kilfinan and Broadford community woodlands.
Igor Prokopenko (from Ukraine, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Estimating property level compensation value for trees growing along power lines.
Blanca Sanz Pareja (from Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Forest estimates derived from airborne laser scanning data in Southerns Sweden – A comparison of regional and local model calibration.
Monica S. Singhania (from Brazil, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Mapping of the vegetation change on Elba Island, Italy.
Tristan Taboada (from Switzerland, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
The role of prescribed fire and harvest intensity on longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) diversity in managed Scots pine forests.
Sabrina van de Velde (from the Netherlands, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Analysis of the readiness of Serbia to effectively comply with and implement the European Timber Regulation (EUTR).
Vladislav Vejnovic (from Serbia, thesis at University of Natrural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
The effect of qualification – dimensioning silvicultural method on the growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Central Europe.
Ines Vodopija (from Slovenia, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Influence on nitrogen nutrition form and drought cycles on the fine root respiration of two tree species
Li Yang (from China, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
MSc European Forestry Course 2012
Sensitivity of timber production and carbon sequestration of Finnish forests to forest management and alternative climate change projections.
Laith Alrahahleh (from Jordan, thesis at UEF, Finland)
The use of optimization tools for forest concessions in the Amazon.
Alan Ferreira Batista (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Innovation analysis of LEADER projects on non-wood forest products in the UK and Sweden.
Marija Cosovic (from Serbia, thesis at University of Natrural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Analyzing reindeer avoidance of human developments in Sweden – An approach from Canadian recovery planning.
Erika Driedger (from Canada, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Effects of coupled heat-drought on physiological processes of Douglas-fir and black locust.
Md. Mohitul Hossain (from Bangladesh, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Effect of scale factor in estimation of Gini Coefficient.
Alejandro Matos López (from Spain, thesis at UEF, Finland)
The growth dynamics of Douglas fir in Sweden and Finland – Application of the 3-PG stand growth model.
Wolfgang Nemec (from Austria, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Recruitment dynamics of myrtle beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii) in a late-successional temperate wet forest in Tasmania, Australia.
Jörg Parschau (from Germany, thesis at the University of Natrural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Effect of climatic change on population dynamics of bark beetles: relationships between temperature and developmental rate of Ips sexdentatus (Boern.).
Zsuzsánna Péter (from Romania, thesis at University of Natrural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Comparison of GIS-based models and remote sensing images to estimate water stress in plants.
Jaime Sebastián Azcona (from Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Trait convergence and species divergence during secondary succession in a tropical wet forest.
Tanvir Ahmed Shovon (from Bangladesh, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Decay fungi related to “Roig” red stain of Castanea sativa in Catalonia – A qualitative assessment of the fungi associated with the notorious Roig.
Jewel Yurkewich (from Canada, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
MSc European Forestry Course 2011
Evaluating the potential of airborne laser scanning (ALS) sensors for developing indicators applied in sustainability impact assessments with ToSIA. Marc Caufapé Poca (from Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Biomass for energy potential from forest and by products from forest industry in North Sweden.
Olalla Díaz Yáñez (from Spain, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
40 Years of alpine treeline shift in the Dischima Valley, Switzerland.
Lisa Erdle (from Canada, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Structural development of uneven aged stands on long term experimental plots in Switzerland and Maine, U.S.A.
John Foppert (from U.S.A., thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Comparison of carbon calculation methods.
Thomas Gerritzen (from Germany, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Marked based and regulatory/enforcement mechanisms – assessment of impacts on timber trade between South-east Asia and Europe.
Alexandru Giurca (from Romania, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Biofuel pellets made at low moisture content – influence of water in the binding mechanism of densified biomass.
Yan Huang (from China, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Variations in the characteristics of forests in the upper Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brazil) – a region displaying contrasted soil conditions.
Abel Alan Marcarini (from Brazil, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Environmental analysis of Eucalyptus production from short rotation forestry in Brazil.
Felipe Quartucci (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Interactions between initiatives addressing the sustainability of wood fuels.
Jonas Raulf (from Germany, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Impact of litter-removal and seasonality on soil microbial community composition in a beech forest.
Orracha Sae-Tun (from Thailand, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
Power as a driving force for the biofuel regime formation in the WTO.
Liudmila Selivanova (from Russia, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Perceptions of landscape in Wicklow – An application of the cultural values model.
Brian Shaw (from Ireland, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Modelling nutrient cycling and Pinus radiata (D. Don) growth under various management systems.
Senka Skundric (from Serbia, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Soil organic carbon dynamics after grassland abandonment in alpine and Mediterranean mountains in North-Eastern Spain.
Zhijin Yang (from China, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
MSc European Forestry Course 2010
Effect of trees and termite nests in agroforestry parklands on preferential water flow: image analysis of soil profiles after rain simulations and due experiments.
Addisu Almaw (from Ethiopia, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Profitability of post-harvesting silvicultural treatments in logging gaps in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon.
Anna Liza Bais (from Philippines, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Impacts of varying bio-energy management regimes on the carbon balance in Finland: Model based analysis over regions.
Mitch Baker (from Canada, thesis at University of Eastern Finland)
Determination of the self-thinning lines & quantification of the land use and disturbance intensity index in forests of Catalonia.
Pau Brunet Navarro (from Spain, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
The sensitivity of Austria’s tree species to climate change.
Paul Gebert (from Germany, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria)
The perception of decision-makers to climate change adaptation in urban and peri-urban forests in Belgrad.
Ivana Guduric (from Serbia, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria)
Calculating the management costs of Natura 2000 in Spain: needs analysis and funding availability in EU.
Leticia Hermoso Barroso (from Spain, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
A mobile terrestrial laser scanning application for characterizing Mediterranean vegetation structure along forest roads.
Maiza Nara dos Santos (from Brazil, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Removal of major nutrients by harvest of a short rotation poplar plantation.
Soni Lama (from Nepal, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Genetic variation in water extraction patterns among populations of Aleppo pine: Contributing sources to water consumption under common garden conditions in Eastern Spain.
Devon Lucabaugh (from United States, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Silvicultural guidelines for the drinking water protection forest Schnabelberg/Waldhofen A.D. YBBS.
Ivana Najdanovic (from Serbia, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria)
Effect of field plot location on estimating tropical forest stem volume and biomass by ALS and RapidEye data for REDD+.
Md. Parvez Rana (from Bangladesh, thesis at University of Eastern Finland)
Quantifying deforestation and its driving forces in the context of REDD+ in Lao PDR using geographically weighted regression.
Mariah Juliane Pereira Vargas (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Interactions between climate science and climate policy in Australia: Analysis of two boundary organizations.
Daniel Pinillos (from Guatemala, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Investigating agenst, drivers and underlying causes and defining a deforestation baseline: the case of Xe Pian national protected area, Lao P.D.R.
Johannes Pirker (from Austria, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
Analyses of the feasibility of participatory REDD+ MRV approaches to Lidar assisted carbon inventories in Nepal
Stefano Puliti (from Italy, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Attempt to link recent climate change and tree mortality in France.
Yulia Yanko (from Russia, thesis at AgroParisTech, France)
MSc European Forestry Course 2009
Comparative analysis of forest fire situation in Central-Eastern Europe.
Jaspar Albers (from Germany, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Biodiversity in the context of REDD+ strategies at national and sub-national levels in Brazil.
Fernando Campos (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Legal and sustainable??? An exploratory analysis of the interaction of FSC and EU FLEGT forest regimes.
Kathleen Anne Capiroso (from Philippines, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
On the relationship between wildfires and reforestations in 1998-2008 in Spain.
Emmanuel Da Ponte Canova (from Paraguay, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Timber supply projections: A case study for Cherikov Forestry Enterprise, Belarus.
Dzmitry Dziamyanau (from Belarus, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Natural regeneration in forests under reduced-impact logging in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon.
Vanessa Falkowski (from Brazil, thesis at at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Substitution of energy from coal with energy from forest biomass.
Augustine Gbagir (from Nigeria, thesis at at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Forest fire hazard mapping in Carinthia (Southern Austria).
Nelson Grima Liria (from Spain, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Soil erosion modelling in an agro-forested catchment of NE Spain affected by gullying using SWAT.
Mario Guevara Bonilla (from Costa Rica, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
REDD+ and biodiversity conservation: Synergy or conflict? (A case study from Nepal).
Pabitra Jha (from Nepal, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Assessment of external wood quality in planted Silver birch stands of different genetic origin in Tönnersjöheden Experimental Forest.
Arbin K.C. (from Nepal, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Rooting pattern of Acacia mangium in pure and mixed stands of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Tectona grandis and Casuarina montana in the coastal Tanzania.
Charles Kilawe (from Tanzania, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Leaf litter nutrient leaching pattern of three potential agroforestry tree species of Bangladesh.
Md. Sharif Hasan Limon (from Bangladesh, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany)
Livelihoods impact analysis of modified taungya system in restoring degraded forest reserves – A case study of community forest management in Ghana.
Evelyn Osei-Wusu Bempah (from Ghana, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Assessing impacts of forest management on water yield from European forests using large-scale models.
Yitagesu Tekle Tegegne (from Ethiopia, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Small-scale habitat selection of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the Italian Alps.
Jose Vazquez Moris (from Spain, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
MSc European Forestry Course 2008
Stand structure dynamics of a traditionally managed 18 years-rotation coppice system in Burgenland, Austria.
Jose Ricardo Badilla Lopez (from Costa Rica, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Vegetation development during secondary succession in the Netherlands.
Arun Bose (from Bangladesh, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Relevance of organic subsoil carbon in global inventory.
Langlang Tata Buana (from Indonesia, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany)
An analysis of wildfire suppression resources in 1998-2008 in Spain.
Sarah Daniel (from Lebanon, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Assessing post-fire regeneration in a Mediterranean mixed forest using LiDAR technology and artificial neural networks.
Haifa Debouk (from Lebanon, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Climate change impacts on wet forest sites and their significance for nature conservation in Rhineland Palatine.
Julia Hansen (from Germany, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Leaf area, sapwood area, crown surface area in even-aged and in uneven-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) stands.
Hsing-Yun Ho (from Taiwan, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Use of ALS, airborne CIR and ALOS AVNIR-2 data in estimation of tropical forest attributes in Lao PDR.
Zhengyang Hou (from China, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Assessment of wood pellet markets in Europe with special focus on policy.
Md. Faridul Islam (from Bangladesh, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Growth reactions of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) to annual climatic variations: a case study of two stands in Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Barbara Jarschel (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany)
The contribution of retention trees to patterns and dynamics of coarse woody debris in pine-dominated boreal forests.
Alain Joseph (from Canada, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Evaluation of digital surface model data to improve forest biomass estimation from SPOT HRG.
Hlaing Myint (from Myanmar, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Optimizing liquid biofuel production in Eastern Finland.
Kartiheyan Natarajan (from India, thesis at University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
REDD+ readiness in Africa: An analysis of stakeholder participation in the national REDD+ process of Ghana.
Robert Mugabe Ochieng (from Kenya, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Effects of thinning intensity on leaf area and fine root biomass of Norway spruce stands.
Kwadwo Omari (from Ghana, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany)
Investigation of single trees parameters in deciduous forests.
Dominik Sperlich (from Germany, thesis at University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Simulation of net primary production (NPP) of Picea abies in Southern Sweden.
Narayanan Subramanian (from India, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Detection and periodicity of growth rings in Boswellia papyriferia.
Buruh Abebe Tetemke (from Ethiopia, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Analysing stand level biomass production potentials for selected silvicultural regimes in Norway spruce and European beech.
Januarti Sinarra Tjajadi (from Indonesia, thesis at at University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Effects of tree species composition on soil microbial biomass and nutrient availability in temperate forest.
Parvathy Venugopal (from India, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany)
Tenure rights and benefits sharing arrangements for REDD. A case study of two REDD pilot projects in Cambodia.
Donal Yeang (from Cambodia, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
MSc European Forestry Course 2007
Impact of climate change on the growth of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Bangladesh.
Sonia Akter (from Bangladesh; thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Sustainability assessment of two forest production systems in Brazilian Amazon.
Kelen Bührer Pedroso (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Potential for agroforestry alley-cropping with valuable broadleaves in Central Catalonia.
Vincent Colomb (from France, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Access to timber trees for commercial purposes in off-reserve areas in Ghana.
Marta Dabrowska (from Poland, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Radial increment and high frequency wood density of Teak (Tectona grandis) from different ecological zones in Ghana.
Habtamu Assaye Deffersha (from Ethiopia, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Optimising forest road networks for fire suppression.
Christopher Stuart Eastaugh (from Australia, thesis at University of Lleida, Spain)
Natural regeneration and biodiversity in pine plantations of Southerns Spain.
Pablo González Moreno (from Spain, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Intra and inter-annual variation in cross sectional wood anatomical parameters on Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) with relation to age and climatic parameters in Ghana.
Abhilash Gopalakrishnan (from India, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Ecology of small seeded climax species: A case study on the genus Tsuga.
Shinjini Goswami (from India, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Geospatial monitoring and evaluation of UNESCO world heritage forest areas in the tropics.
Mukesh Kumar (from India, thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Role of functional traits in the distribution of West African rainforest plant species.
Surya Kumar Maharjan (from Nepal, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Adaption of small-scale agroforestry farmers to climate change and variability in West Nile agroecological zone, Uganda.
Christopher Mawa (from Uganda, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Student’s perception of bioenergy policy. Case study: A comparative study of Finland and Sweden.
Oyere Germaine Ojong (from Cameroon, thesis at University of Joensuu, Finland)
The long term changes in forest cover structure along the Finnish-Russian border.
Cheikh Mohamad Abdarrahman Ould Mohamad (from Mauritania, thesis at University of Joensuu, Finland)
Implementation of forest certification in Russia.
Olga Sergeevna Pentelkina (from Russia, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Case studies of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in forest products companies – and customer’s perspectives.
Danang Ari Raditya (from Indonesia, thesis at Swedish University of agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Effect of stump lifting to the pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage on Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings.
Abul Kalam Mohammad Yeasinur Rahman (from Bangladesh, thesis at University of Joensuu, Finland)
Land use impacts on carbon and nitrogen pools (a case study in the midhills of Nepal).
Roshani Rai (from Nepal, thesis at University of Natural Resources and applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Inter-specific competition in mixed forests of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and Common beech (Fagus sylvatica) under a drier and warmer climate.
Christopher Paul Oliver Reyer (from Germany, thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Agroforestry systems in Cerro Azul (Brazil) and Dali (China): base for rural development and policy planning.
Anke Manuela Salzmann (from Brazil, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany)
Estimation of biomass productivity in three selected clones of willow in Austria.
Arun Visa (from India, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Natural regeneration and protection efficiency of the upper montane forests in the Natural Forest Reserve Goldeck, Carinthia.
Maria-Barbara Winter (from Germany, thesis at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
SOC accumulation under Miscanthus giganteus as compared to annual tillage, afforestation and grassland.
Jian Wu (from China, thesis at Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
MSc European Forestry Course 2006
Leaf- Soil Interaction: for five tree species in the Netherlands.
Albin Lobo (from India; thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Land use change and its impact on soil and water in rural villages in Dadeldhura district, Nepal.
Basanta Raj Gautam (from Nepal; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Comparison of two different treatments of Mytilaria laosensis from Guangxi, China by analysing diameter, basal area and volume growth.
Bin Hu (from China: thesis at Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg, Germany)
Capital asset pricing model in forestry: review of methods and application.
Binod Gyawali (from Nepal; thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria)
Criteria for choosing retention trees of European aspen ( Populus tremula ) in mixed spruce forests: Estimation of biological and economic value of individual aspen trees (Case study of Tikhvin Region of Leningrad Province , North-West of Russia).
Denis Popov (from Russian Federation; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Charcoal production and its role in the socio-economic conditions of people – a case study from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Dherminder Sharma (from India; thesis at Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg, Germany)
Uncertainty in forest management: an exploratory study on uncertainty in European forestry over time Based on differentiation of its sources, types, and categories.
Efrian Muharrom (from Indonesia; thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Responses of individual tree species to climate change in Europe: impact assessment for 5 tree species in the Boreal, Atlantic and Continental region.
Ernest C.D. Van der Maaten (from the Netherlands; thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
The life history & wood anatomy of tropical rain forest trees.
Imole Kamani Anderson Mc Donald (from Guyana; thesis at Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Perspectives of international forestry students on the utilization of Malaysia Palm oil as biofuel.
Lai Yuen Pon (from Malasia; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Does silicon increase the growth of Silver Birch and Norway Spruce?
Md. Kamrul Hassan (from Bangladesh; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Taper curve analysis and estimation of volumes in different growing seasons of stems of willow (Salix schwerinii) at Siikasalmi in Liperi, Finland.
Mir Md. Abdus Salam (from Bangladesh; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Use of chromatic traps for monitoring the population of Coreabus undatus in a cork oak forest in Gorina, Spain.
Mohammed Masum Ul Haque (from Bangladesh; thesis at the University of Lleida, Spain)
CO2 compensation in practice: what makes actors cooperate?? assessing stability and dynamics in the actors’cooperation and policy processes using the advocacy coalition framework (ACF): a case study of the UWA-FACE project at Mount Elgon in Uganda.
Muhammad Sohail (from Pakistan; thesis at Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Time consumption of typical timber short distance transportation activities in Thailand by using wooden frame truck.
Nopparat Manavakun (from Thailand; thesis at the University of Joensuu, Finland)
Policy instruments for avoided deforestation in international climate change policy: a gaze into post-Kyoto regime.
Olufunso Adegbenga Somorin (from Nigeria; Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Water availability controls nitrogen fixation in the feather moss Pleurozium schreberi.
Pablo Martín Ortega (from Spain; thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Optimizing Benefits from Planted Forests: A case of the Eastern Himalaya , India.
Rajesh Kumar Rai (from Nepal; thesis at Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg , Germany)
Rodrigo San Román Gordillo (from Peru; Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg, Germany)
The current status of Lagomorph in Asia.
Royce Kin Chung To (from Hong Kong; thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria)
Impacts of forest management on selected ecosystem properties (a case study from a community forest and a municipality owned forest in midhills of central Nepal).
Sharad Kumar Baral (from Nepal; thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria)
Habitat preference and seasonal distribution of alpine ibex (C apra ibex ibex ) in Austria (Vorarlberg) and Swiss national park (Val trupchun).
Shreejata Gupta (from India; thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria)
Modeling effects of thinning on the growth response of Oak forest in Austria.
Sishir Gautam (from Nepal; thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria )
Producing valuable wood in Guangxi China within agroforestry system : assessment of eligible tree species.
Ting Zhou (from China; thesis at Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg, Germany)
Factors influencing essential oil yield of Myrtacea (Eucalypts and Corymbia) species.
Yoseph Melka Ako (from Ethiopia; thesis at Albert-Ludvig University Freiburg, Germany)
A comparison of three bioenergy production systems using lifecycle assessment.
Zakia Hassan (from Tanzania; thesis at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
MSc European Forestry Course 2005
Industrial alternatives relative to the transformation of the black poplar’s wood
Natalia Arabadzhi (from Russia; Thesis at the University of Lleida)
Response of the boreal forests to the management under the climate change: model based analysis
Ashraful Alam (from Bangladesh; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
Linking the Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management with the EU Water Framework Directive: an ontology based approach
Jing Chen (from China; Thesis at BOKU-Austria)
Green taxation & national forest fund as a tool for enhancing sustainable forest management -Case Study of Croatia
Jaime Coello (from Spain; Thesis at the University of Freiburg)
Comparison Time Study Between Geometric and Selective Mechanical Thinning in Young Dense Forest Stands for Biomass-Energy Production
Goodman Gcaba (from South Africa; Thesis at SLU-Sweden)
Options and Criteria for Forestry under the Clean Development Mechanism in South and Southeast Asia: A Study for the Finnish Carbon Procurement Programme
Pradipta Halder (from India; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
Fuel Dynamics Using Landscape Ecology Indices in Alto Mijares, Spain
Javed Iqbal (from Pakistan; Thesis at the University of Lleida)
Effects of erroneous inventory data of dominated tree species on the contents of forest plan
Md. Nurul Islam (from Bangladesh; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
Multifunctional Forest Resources and rural Development: A Case of Forestry from Europe and Nepal
Gyanendra Karki (from Nepal; Thesis at the Universities of Joensuu and Lleida)
Bioenergy in national newspapers in Finland and Sweden
Tanja Kähkönen (from Finland; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
How Management Effect Forest Productivity- A Case Study Based on MOSES Modeling on Swiss Data
Xiaozhen Liu (from China; Thesis at BOKU-Austria)
Perceived Environmental Uncertainty and Strategic Planning in Forestry Sector: A Comparison study
Nan Luo (from China; Thesis at Wageningen University)
Bioenergy Trade Dynamics in Europe
Surya B. Magar (from Nepal; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
Financing Risks in Large-Scale Biomass Projects
Patience T. A. Mayaki (from Nigeria; Thesis at Wageningen University)
Taxonomic Revision of Anonidium Engl. & Diels (Annonaceae) and Phylogenetic Identification of a Potentially New Genus of Annonaceae
Youssoufa B. Mekou (from Cameroon; Thesis at Wageningen University)
Company strategies of Swedish sawmilling industry
Fakhrizal Nashr (from Indonesia; Thesis at SLU-Sweden)
Exploring the Ecological Footprint of Forest Products- Comparison Study for Austria and Tanzania.
Deogratius E. P. Nyangu (from Tanzania; Thesis at BOKU-Austria)
Analysis of Non-Wood Forest Products’ Policies and Markets in Europe
Bishnu Chandra Poudel (from Nepal; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
Assessing Sustainability Impacts within Eisenwurzen Region in Austria
Elena Tomas Ferre (from Spain; Thesis at BOKU-Austria)
Variation on Growth and Productivity of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Grown at Lad Krating Plantation, Thailand
Apichart Tonnamning (from Thailand; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
A Comparative Analysis of Bioenergy Production under the Kyoto Protocol in Finland, China and India
Shuirong Wu (from China; Thesis at the University of Joensuu)
A Comparison of Nitrogen Stores in High Forest and Coppice Forest in the Vienna Woods
Shuai Yan (from China; Thesis at BOKU-Austria)
The Dendrogeomorphology of Oak clusters (Quercus robur) in the drift sand areas (The Netherlands)
Anas Zyadin (from Jordan; Thesis at Wageningen University)
MSc European Forestry Course 2004
Patterns in collection of non-timber forest products in Europe
Maria Helena Cendales
The Future of Forest Nurseries in Europe
Marc Crookes
Comparative case study on pattern of environmental and forest resource information perception of rural communities at Koli village in Finland and Lad Kacher village in Thailand
Wirongrong Duangjai
Future of Biotechnology Applications in European Forestry
Abdeltif El Ouahrani
Wood decay resistance of Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) against the pathogenic fungi Heterobasidion parviporum
Yohama Puentes
Public perceptions towards urban forests: comparative study in Joensuu (Finland) and Yangling (China)
Mei Qu
Factors affecting germination of birch (Betula pubescens) in bog ecosystem
Annisa Satyanti
Analysis of the Russian Forest Products Companies
Stanislav Sokolov
Urban forestry in Europe
Elena Aguarón Fuente
Using a Swedish forest biodiversity assessment under Polish conditions
Malgorzata Blicharska
Developing a method for calculation of bioenergy potential of the forests using databases from harvester machines in Russian Karelia
Alexandra Bormatova
Artificial snow as an ecological factor in forest environment – case Koli National Park ski resort, Finland
Jordi Canals Gelada
Applicability of Finnish technology for forest fuel harvesting in Catalonia (Spain)
Jaume Gort Oromí
Development of Forestry Institution in Transition Economy in Central and Eastern European Countries and its Influence to Sustainable Forest Management in Private Forest: Lithuania as a Case Study
Sonja Koskinen
Potential and barriers of increasing wood energy use in North Karelia (Finland)
Johanna Pulli
Job market for graduates of the Göttingen Faculty of Forestry
Michelle Schroeder
The European sawmill industry in a global competitive market: perspectives with regard to Monterey pine plantations in the Southern hemisphere
Maarten Van Soest
Comparison of Weibull (complete and truncated), Beta, and Johnson’s S B distribution functions to predict the diameter distribution of number of trees and basal area of Scots pine stands (Pinus sylvestris ) in Catalonia (Spain)
Elena Blasco Estrada
Assessment, description and forecast of forest diversity
Alexander Gradel
MSc European Forestry Course 2003
Combining forest fire prevention and forest fuel production in Andalusia (Southern Spain)
Javier Arevalo Pardo de Donlebun
Clusters of Quercus robur and Q. petraea in the Netherlands
Paul Copini
Life cycle analysis of energy wood production and utilization chains in Sweden
Soledad Garcia Garcia
Analyses of experimental thinning management options in the Taiga Model Forest area
Vadim Goltsev
Illegal logging phenomena in Europe
Lauma Kazusa
Natura 2000 -Policy-making in the shadow of hierarchy
Jaakko Kosonen
Case study of long-term forest growth dynamics of Siberian spruce and Scots pine during last 200 years: Komi Republic, North West of Russia
Eugene Lopatin
FAO’s action on the forest sector in Central and Eastern Europe
Michael Pohlers
The nature of cross-border cooperation: An analysis of the policy process of cross-border co-operation in Borderpark “de Zoom-Kalmthoutse heide”
Petra Schmitz
Spanish Woodworking Industry – Geographical structure, Export and Import
Francisco Javier Urena Lara
Engaging forest-related actors with LSD networks: an analysis of the channels that non-formal forestry educators use to obtain, transfer and communicate information and knowledge about the environment
Alex Van der Meer
MSc European Forestry Course 2002
Forest Fires Situation in Finland and Spain
Eva Gabriel-De Francisco
Comparative analysis of forestry curricula for the development of ICT in forestry education
David Gritten
Wood Trade and Possible Future Developments of the Forest Resources
of Novgorod Region (Russia)
Anna Koudrioshova
Analysis Of Growth And Yield Of Pinus Sylvestris L. And Picea Abies (L.) Kars. in Finland, Lithuania And Spain Using Two Different Models
Blas Mola-Yudego
Silviculture and biodiversity in managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests in Europe.-Case studies from Germany (Niedersachsen), Finland (North Karelia) and Spain (Catalonia)
Mireia Pecurul-Botines
Marketing Christmas Trees to Christmas Tourists
Mark Richman
Current and Potential Wood Fuel Resources and Bottlenecks of Utilisation in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
Dominik Röser
Review of current national forestry policies focusing on adaptive management to climate change
Eva Sedo
Competitiveness Between European Countries in the Coniferous Sawn Timber Market Through Comparative Advantage
Johan Sisell
Bioenergy potential in Leningrad Region (Russian Federation) with view to export to European markets
Alexey Urykov