Research projects
Photographer: Olli Sippula & Marc Sabat
On-going projects
Työperäisen altistumisen vähentäminen pakokaasuille ja hiukkasille (PAHIS) (2024-2027)
Technological and socio-economic solutions to reduce indoor air pollution in Nepal (SmokeFreeHomes Nepal, 2023-2026)
Voimalaitoskattilat osana kiertotalouden ja uusiutuvan energian ratkaisuja (VOKUS, 2024-2026)
Harmonizing reliable test procedures representing real-LIFE air pollution from solid fuel heating appliances (Real-LIFE Emissions, 2021-2024)
Finished projects
MOFs catalyzed direct gas-phase reactions for the conversion of C1 compounds (MOFC1, 2020-2023)
Kiukaiden ympäristövaikutusten vähentäminen (KIUAS-2, 2019-2023)
Työntekijöiden Altistumisen vähentäminen Syöpävaarallisille ilman epäpuhtauksille Kaivosympäristöissä (TASK, 2021-2023)
Energy Cluster North Savo (EnEko2020, 2020-2021)
Solutions for controlling ash behaviour and emissions in bio- and waste-fired boilers (BI-TUM, 2019-2021)
Innovation Ecosystem for Emission Control and Catalyst Chemistry to Develop Environmentally Friendly Combustion and Industrial Processes (KATE, 2019-2021)
Photoactive graphitic nanocarbons from sustainable precursors for renewable energy production (FoGrafNa, 2019-2022)
Kuopio Water Cluster
UEFbatcircle (2019-2021)
The Helmholtz Virtual Institute of Complex Molecular Systems in Environmental Health (Inhale-HICE, 2018-2022)
Induction synthesis of functionalized carbon nanostructures from biomasses and application studies (BioGraph, 2017-2022)
UEF Water postdoctoral research Project (2020-2022)
Investigation of secondary aerosols from vehicle exhaust: comparison of gasoline and diesel cars (INCA, 2020-2021)
Li-ion batteries’ state of the health estimation and degradation mechanisms determination by a generated heat analysis (LiANA, 2017-2020)
Holistic processes and practices for clean energy in strengthening bioeconomic strategies (INDO-NORDEN, 2017-2019)
Kiukaiden päästöt ja niiden vähentäminen KIUAS (2017-2019)
Residential Wood Combustion Simulator (PIENPOLTTOSIMULAATTORI, 2016-2019)
Development and assessment of energy production solutions based on renewable pyrolysis fuel oil utilization (PYREUS, 2015-2017)
Assessment and Abatement Strategies for Combustion-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Emissions (ASTRO, 2016-2018)
Pilot environment for manufacturing and testing functional materials for industry (FunktioMat, 2016-2017)