Instructions for posters and oral presentations 2024

Please note that remote oral presentations and electronic posters will not be accepted this year. All presentations will be held on site.

Oral presentations

The length of an oral presentation is 15 minutes. One thematic session will last 90 minutes in total and will include a variable number of presentations. There will also be time for discussion. Please ensure that you do not exceed your own time so that everyone has equal time to give their presentation.

A maximum of 10 powerpoint slides, including opening and closing slides, can be prepared for the presentation. Tips for preparing slides below in poster instructions.

Poster presentations

The recommended poster size is 90 x 120 cm (portrait). The following general guidelines should be followed when preparing a poster:

  • Avoid long sentences. 
  • Use graphics and figures instead of large tables. 
  • Use colours to highlight key sections and issues. 
  • Use bullet points to present conclusions.

The posters will be on display in the lobby of the 3rd floor of the Medistudia building* on the Kuopio campus, throughout the research days.

Please affix the posters on October 8 at X:X0 a.m.-XX a.m.* Advice and assistance with poster placement is available at the registration desk in the Mediteknia building.

*Place and time wil be update later.