Method development for the research of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and data-driven approaches
In the area of method development for the research of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and data-driven approaches and as part of other research, we develop different methods for the assessment of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and utilise and merge different data-driven methods in the assessment of the effectiveness and availability of social and health services. This includes experimental research, surveys, registry studies and spatial data methods.
More about our research in Finnish here.
- STN IMPRO is a multidisciplinary research project seeking to develop new analysis methods for evaluating health and social services, and to support the development of more equal and cost-effective services. We study the structure, effectiveness and performance of health and social services.
- Pro Shade (2020-2023). We improve the use of economical and effectiveness information, and information produced by the patient in decision-making. We research and evaluate the conventions of decision-making in health care organizations and patients care decisions.