Tip of the Week 8/2023

Panopto video service – benefits & tips

Have a good academic year! Panopto video service is one of the newest digital learning environments in UEF. You can find the service from https://uef.cloud.panopto.eu/ or via UEF’s App menu.

Panopto provides great tools for creating video materials to your courses either via browser or via Panopto app, which is available for Mac and Windows. You can easily record “talking head” type of videos, either with your PowerPoint slides or other materials, or without it. Also, it is a great tool for recording screen casting type of videos.

There are multiple benefits of using Panopto, for example automatic caption, easy sharing of videos, great search engine and analytics tools.

Also, Panopto is available via UEF eLearn Moodle as activity type.

Panopto’s support page on UEF Heimo: https://studentuef.sharepoint.com/sites/heimo_en/services/elearning_support/Pages/Panopto.aspx

Panopto has a lot of useful online resources available at https://support.panopto.com/s/.

  • Online documentation
  • Video tutorials
  • Forums
  • Webinars

Jani Lemmetyinen, Development Manager, Digital Learning Environments