Technologies for Learning and Development Research Seminar, December 7, 2022

You are warmly invited to our next research seminar on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, starting at 10:15 Helsinki time (UTC+2).


10:15 – 11:00, Tina Vrieler, Doctoral Student, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University

Title: Teaching and Learning in Code Clubs – Capital, Aspirations and Inclusion

Abstract: This presentation is based on my going PhD project, which takes place in the non-formal learning space of code clubs. Code clubs can be defined as an informal site designed for hands-on learning of computing and creative production, with or without tools. As the number of code clubs is increasing and many young people come in contact with these communities, there is a need to study these communities more in-depth. In this talk, I will zoom in on the volunteers’ pedagogical experiences, the children’s aspirations, and how code clubs work with inclusion. I will also discuss the role of computer science capital and how we can use it as a tool to reflect on our teaching.
11:00 – 11:15, Wrap-up, general discussion, announcements, etc.
If you are interested in joining the seminar, please contact Jarkko Suhonen, jarkko.suhonen(at) It is possible to follow the seminar on campus (room B148 in Joensuu Science Park) and online via Zoom.