1. Deriba, F.G., Sanusi, I.T., Sunday, A.O., Enhancing computer programming education using ChatGPT – A mini review. Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2023.
  2. J. Kahila, E. Arkko, A. Lin, How we taught AI concepts, workflows, and ethics to 200 schoolchildren. Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2023.
  3. M. Apiola, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, The venues that shaped computing education research: Dissemination under the lens. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (eds) Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  4. N. Zdravkovic, M.Á. Conde, S. López-Pernas, P. Vijayakumar, Cyber Resilience in the Business Environment: Insights from AI-based Solutions and Data Protection Standards. Proceedings of the BISEC’22: 13th International Conference on Business Information Security, 2023.
  5. M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, J. Jovanovic, D. Gaševic, Intense, turbulent, or wallowing in the mire: A longitudinal study of cross-course online tactics, strategies, and trajectories. The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 57, 2023.
  6. M. Saqr, Modelling within-person idiographic variance could help explain and individualize learningBritish Journal of Educational Technology, 2023.
  7. M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, The temporal dynamics of online problem-based learning: Why and when sequence mattersInternational Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2023.
  8. R. Elmoazen, M. Saqr, M. Khalil, B. Wasson, Learning analytics in virtual laboratories: A systematic literature review of empirical research. Smart Learning Environments, 2023.
  9. M. Saqr, M.R. Milic, K. Pancheva, J. Jovic, E.V. Peltekova, M.Á. Conde, A multimethod synthesis of Covid-19 education research: the tightrope between covidization and meaningfulnessUniversal Access in the Information Society, 2023.
  10. M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, S. Helse, S. Hrastinski, The longitudinal association between engagement and achievement varies by time, students’ subgroups, and achievement state: A full program study. Computers & Education, 2023.
  11. B.A. Becker, S. Bradley, J. Maguire, M. Black, T. Crick, M. Saqr, S. Sentance, K. Quille, Computing education research in the UK & Ireland. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  12. S. Schöbel, A. Schmitt, D. Benner, M. Saqr, A. Janson, J.M. Leimester, Charting the evolution and future of conversational agents: A research agenda along five waves and new frontiers. Information Systems Frontiers, 2023.
  13. L. Mairinoja, S. López-Pernas, R. Elmoazen, E.A. Niskanen, T. Kuningas, A. Wärri, M. Saqr, L. Strauss, International online team-based learning in higher education of biomedicine – evaluation by learning analytics. In Elmoazen, R., López-Pernas, S., Misiejuk, K., Khalil, M., Wasson, B., Saqr, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories workshop (TELL 2023), CEUR-WS, 2023.
  14. S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, From variables to states to trajectories (VaSSTra): A method for modelling the longitudinal dynamics of learning and behaviour. In: García-Peñalvo, F.J., García-Holgado, A. (Eds.), Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. TEEM 2022. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore, 2023.
  15. M. Nissinen, E. Silvennoinen, M. Saqr, How assessment analytics can help to improve reliability, efficiency, and fairness of entrance examinations. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023
  16. M.Á. Conde, S. López-Pernas, E. Peltekova, K. Pancheva, M. Raspopovic Milic, M. Saqr, Multi-stakeholder perspective on the gap between existing realities and new requirements for online and blended Learning: An exploratory study. In: García-Peñalvo, F.J., García-Holgado, A. (Eds.), Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. TEEM 2022. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore, 2023.
  17. E. Sointu, M. Saqr, T. Valtonen, S. Hallberg, S. Väisänen, J. Kankaanpää, V. Tuominen, L. Hirsto, (2023). SITE SPOTLIGHT ARTICLE: Understanding emotional behavior with learning analytics to support pre-service teachers’ learning in challenging content area. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 31(1), pp. 67-87, 202.
  18. S. López-Pernas, R. Kleimola, S. Väisänen, L. Hirsto, Early detection of dropout factors in vocational education: A large-scale case study from Finland. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023.
  19. S. López-Pernas, Educational escape rooms are effective learning activities across educational levels and cotexts: Meta-analysis. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2023.
  20. R. Klemola, S. López-Pernas, S. Väisänen, M. Saqr, E. Sointu, L. Hirsto, Learning analytics to explore the motivational profiles of non-traditional practical nurse students: A mixed methods approach. Empirical Research in Vocational and Education and Training, vol. 15, 2023.
  21. M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, L. Vogelsmeier, When, how and for whom changes in engagement happen: A transition analysis of instructional variables. Computers & Education, vol. 207, 2023.
  22. S. Hrastinski, S. Stenbom, M. Saqr, M. Jansson, O. Viberg, Examining the development of K-12 students’ cognitive presence over time: The case of online mathematics tutoring. Online Learning, vol. 27, no. 3, 2023.
  23. M. Saqr, W. Matcha, N.A. Uzir, J. Jovanovic, D. Gašević, S. López-Pernas, Transfering effective learning strategies across learning contexts matters: A study in problem-based learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2023.
  24. S. López-Pernas, E. Barra, A. Gordillo, Á. Alonso, J. Quemada, Scaling student feedback in software engineering MOOCs. IEEE Software, 2023.
  25. M.Á. Conde, A. Georgiev, S. López-Pernas, J. Jovic, I. Grespo-Martínez, M. R. Milic, M. Saqr, K. Pancehva, Definition of a learning analytics ecosystem for the IDELA project piloting. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (Eds.). Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14040. Springer, 2023.
  26. R. Elmoazen, S. López-Pernas, K. Misiejuk, M. Khalil, B. Wasson, M. Saqr, Reflections on technology-enhanced learning in laboratories: Barriers and opportunities. In Elmoazen, R., López-Pernas, S., Misiejuk, K., Khalil, M., Wasson, B., Saqr, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories workshop (TELL 2023), CEUR-WS, 2023.
  27. L. Hirsto, M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, T. Valtonen, E. Sointu, S. Väisänen, Bridging education learning analytics and AI: Challenges of the present and thoughts for the future. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023.
  28. 2 L. Hirsto, M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, T. Valtonen, A systematic narrative review of learning analytics research in K-12 and schools. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023.
  29. D. Nguyen, L. Howard, H. Yan, F. Lin, Adaptive sequence learning: Contextual multi-armed bandit approach. Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech), 2023.
  30. M.M. McGill, L.A. DeLyser, I.T. Sanusi, S.M. Shah, Meeting the needs of all learners through high quality K-12 computing education research. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education, Vol. 2, 2023.
  31. M.M. McGill, S. Heckman, C. Chytas, M. Liut, V. Kazkova, I.T. Sanusi, S.M. Shah, C. Szabo, Conducing sound, equity-enabling computing education research. Proceedings of the 2023 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2023.
  32. C.N. Jatineli, I.T. Sanusi, S.A. Olaleye, M.A. Ayanwale, F.J. Agbo, P.B. Oyelere, Artificial intelligence in compulsory level of education: Perspectives from Namibian in-service teachers. Education and Information Technologies, 2023.
  33. I.T. Sanusi, M.A. Ayanwale, T.K.F. Chiu, Investigating the moderating effects of social good and confidence to teachers’ intention to prepare school students for artificial intelligence education. Education and Information Technologies, 2023.
  34. S.A. Olaleye, I.T. Sanusi, J. Salo, E.O. Olaleye, Home care and mobile health service provision for rural dwellers: A conceptual framework of poverty alleviation and rural development. In Li, E.Y. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of The International Conference on Electronic Business, Volume 23. ICEB’23, Chiayi, Taiwan, October 17-23, 2023.
  35. M. Hyttinen, J. Suhonen, Enhancing asynchronous online learning with mobile augmented reality application: A case study in higher education business courses. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, vol. 7, no. 4, 431-453, 2023.
  36. R. Babo, R. Fitas, J. Suhonen, WebAVALIA: Analysis of students’ opinions and experiences of using an e-assessment tool in collaborative learning. Education and Information Technologies, 2023.
  37. A. Shipepe, L. Uwu-Khaeb, D. V. Ruwodo,  I. Jormanainen, E. Sutinen, Integrating secondary school and primary school learners to grasp robotics in Namibia through collaborative learning. In: Balogh, R., Obdržálek, D., Christoforou, E. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 747. Springer, Cham.
  38. H. Vartiainen, M. Tedre, I. Jormanainen, Co-creating digital art with generative AI in K-9 education: Socio-material insights. International Journal of Education Through Art, vol. 19, no. 3, 2023.
  39. S. Heikkinen, M. Jäntti, M. Tukiainen, Continual service improvement: A systematic literature review. In: Fernandes, J.M., Travassos, G.H., Lenarduzzi, V., Li, X. (Eds.) Quality of Information and Communications Technology. QUATIC 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1871. Springer, Cham.
  40. M.M. Hassan, I.A. Choudhry, M. Tukiainen, A.N. Qureshi, Experimenting with polymorphic creativity support tools to support innovation in participatory ideation. In: Idrissi, A. (eds) Modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1102. Springer, Cham.
  41. N. Bouali, V. Cavalli-Sforza, A review of text-to-animation systems. IEEE Access, 2023.
  42. S.V. Movahed, J.V. Dimino, A.T. Farrell, E. Irankhah, V. Mahipal, P. Rayavaram, E.M. Salas, K.L. Wolkowicz, S. Narain, F.G. Martin, I.T. Sanusi, Developing AI educational tools for children. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Workshop on Human-Centered Explainable AI (HCXAI), ACM, 2023.
  43. J. Kahila, T. Valtonen, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, H. Vartiainen, S. Kahila, M. Tedre, A typology of metagamers: Identifying player types based on beyond the game activities. Games and Culture, 2023.
  44. H. Vartiainen, J. Kahila, M. Tedre, E. Sointu, T. Valtonen, More than fabricated news reports: Children’s perspectives and experiences of fake news. Journal of Media Literacy Education, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 17-30, 2023.
  45. I.T. Sanusi, S.S. Oyelere, J. Suhonen, H. Vartiainen, M. Tukiainen, Developing middle school students’ understanding of machine learning in an African school. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, 2023.
  46. M. Tedre, H. Vartiainen, K-12 computing education for the AI era: From data literacy to data agency. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, V.1, 2023.
  47. M. Tedre, K. Mäkitalo, H. Vartiainen, J. Kahila, J. Laru, M. Iwata, Generation AI: Participatory machine learning co-design projects with K-9 students in Finland. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, V.1, 2023.
  48. A. O. Sunday, Design and implementation of co-design pedagogical scenarios for learning computational thinking. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, V.2, 2023.
  49. M.A. Yanwale, I.T. Sanusi, R.R. Molefi, A.O. Otunla, A structural equation approach and modeling of pre-service teachers’ perspectives of cybersecurity education. Education and Information Technologies, 2023.
  50. M.Y. Mazana, C.S. Montero, L.L. Njotto, Exploring mathematics teaching approaches in Tanzanian higher education institutions: Lecturers’ perspective. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2023.
  51. S.A. Olaleye, E. Mogaji, F.J. Agbo, D. Ukpabi, A.G. Adusei, The composition of data economy: A bibliometric approach and TCCM framework for conceptual, intellectual and social culture. Information Discovery and Delivery, vol. 51, n0. 2, pp. 223-240, 2023.
  52. N. Jingili, S.S. Oyelere, F. Ojwang, F.J. Agbo, M.B.T. Nyström, Virtual reality for addressing depression and anxiety: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, no. 9, 2023.
  53. G. Obaido, F.J. Agbo, C. Alvarado, S.S. Oyelere, Analysis of attrition studies within the computer sciencesIEEE Access, 2023.
  54. M. Juma, N.R. Mramba, A.F. Kapinga, J. Suhonen, M. Tedre, Smartphone use in financial management among women´s informal saving groups in Dodoma, Tanzania. The African Journal of Information Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, 2023..
  55. F.G. Deriba, M. Saqr, M. Tukiainen, Exploring barriers and challenges to accessibility in virtual laboratories: a preliminary review. In Elmoazen, R., López-Pernas, S., Misiejuk, K., Khalil, M., Wasson, B., Saqr, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories workshop (TELL 2023), CEUR-WS, 2023.
  56. S. Heikkinen, S. López-Pernas, J. Malmberg, M. Tedre, M. Saqr, How do business students self-regulate their project management learning? A sequence mining study. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023.
  57. R. Elmoazen, M. Saqr, M. Tedre, L. Hirsto, How social interactions kindle productive online problem-based learning: An exploratory study of the temporal dynamics. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023..
  58. V. Dagiené, Y. Gülbahar, N. Grgunia, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, M. Apiola, G. Stupuriené, Computing education research in schools. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  59. F.J. Agbo, M. Ntinda, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, M. Apiola, Computing education research in the global south. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  60. M. Ntinda, M. Apiola, E. Sutinen, Future technology lab: A plug-in campus as an agent of change for computing education research in the global south. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  61. M. Apiola, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, L. Malmi, M. Daniels, Exploring the past, present and future of computing education research: An introduction. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.) Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  62. M.A. Ayanwale, I.T. Sanusi, Perceptions of STEM vs. non-STEM teachers towards teaching artificial intelligence. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). To appear.
  63. I.T. Sanusi, J.O. Omidiora, S.S. Oyelere, H. Vartiainen, J. Suhonen, M. Tukiainen, Preparing middle schoolers for a machine learning-enabled future through design-oriented pedagogy. IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023.
  64. M. Tedre, J. Kahila, H. Vartiainen, Exploration on how co-designing with AI facilitates critical evaluation of ethics of AI in craft education. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE2023). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2023.
  65. H. Vartiainen, M. Tedre, J. Kahila, T. Valtonen, Pre-service teachers’ understanding of privacy in social media environments. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE2023). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2023.
  66. J. Kahila, I. Jormanainen, N. Pope, H. Vartiainen, M. Tedre, Generation AI: AI education for the security mindset (GenAI). In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE2023). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2023.
  67. A.S. Oyelere, F.J. Agbo, S.S. Oyelere, Formative evaluation of immersive virtual reality expedition mini-games to facilitate computational thinking. Computers & Education: X Reality, vol. 2, 2023.
  68. J. Kahila, H. Vartiainen, S. Kahila, M. Tedre, T. Valtonen, Metapelaaminen lasten ja nuorten laaja-alaisten taitojen harjoittelun kenttänä. In: Kontkanen, S., Piispa-Hakala, S., Havu-Nuutinen, S. (Eds.), Oppimisen Muuttuvat Maailmat, Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura, 2023.
  69. V. Mahipal, S. Ghosh, I.S. Tanusi, R. Ma, J.E. Gonzalez, F.G. Martin, Doodlelt: A beginner’s tool for understanding image recognition. SIGCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 54th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2023.
  70. R. Ma, I.T. Sanusi, V. Mahipal, J.E. Gonzalez, F.G. Martin, Developing machine learning algorithm literacy with novel plugged and unplugged approaches. SIGCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 54th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2023.
  71. H. Vartiainen, M. Tedre, Using artificial intelligence in craft education: Crafting with text-to-image generative models. Digital Creativity, 2023.
  72. F.J. Agbo, S.A. Olaleye, M. Bower, S.S. Oyelere, Examing the relationship between students’ perception of technology, pedagogy, and cognition: The case of immersive virtual reality mini games to foster computational thinking in higher education. Smart Learning Environments, vol. 10, Article number 16, 2023.
  73. S. Joshi, F. J. Agbo, I. Jormanainen, Work in Progress: Towards Enhancing Children’s Science Education using Augmented Reality and Computer Vision. In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). To appear.
  74. A. Petersen, I. Jormanainen, Koli Calling conference report. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 5-6, 2023.
  75. S.A. Olaleye, I.T. Sanusi, O.A. Data, F.J. Agbo, A bibliometric review of global visibility, impact and adoption of electronic invoicing: The past and the future. Heliyon, 2023.
  76. V. Mahipal, S. Ghosh, I.T. Sanusi, R. Ma, J.E. Gonzalez, F.G. Martin, DoodleIt: A novel tool and approach for teaching how CNNs perform image recognition. In Proceedings of the ACE ’23: Australasian Computing Education Conference, pp. 31-38, ACM, 2023.
  77. M. Saqr, S. López-Pernas, M. Apiola, Capturing the impact and the chatter around computer science education research beyond academia in social media, patents, and blogs. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  78. A.J. Ko, S. Draper, J. Maguire, J. Pajunen, M. Tedre, J. Sinclair, C. Szabo, A dialog about the special issue on theory. ACM Transaction on Computing Education, vol. 23, no. 1, pp.1-5, 2023.
  79. M. Tedre, The nature of computing as a discipline. In: Sentance, S., Barendsen, E., Howard, N.R., Schulte, C. (Eds.), Computer Science Education: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in Schools (2nd Edition), Bloomsbury Publishing, In press.
  80. I. Sanusi, K. Sunday, S.S. Oyelere, H. Vartiainen, J. Suhonen, M. Tukiainen, Learning machine learning with young children: Exploring informal settings in an African context. Computer Science Education, 2023.
  81. I. Jormanainen, M. Tedre, H. Vartiainen, T. Valtonen, T. Toivonen, J. Kahila, Learning machine learning in K-12. In: Sentance, S., Barendsen, E., Howard, N.R., Schulte, C. (Eds.), Computer Science Education: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in Schools (2nd Edition), Bloomsbury Publishing, In press.
  82. M. Apiola, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, The hands that made computing education research: Top authors, networks, collaboration and newcomers. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  83. S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, M. Apiola, Scientometrics: A concise introduction and a detailed methodology for the mapping of the scientific field of computing education. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  84. S. López-Pernas, M. Apiola, M. Saqr, A. Pears, M. Tedre, A scientometric perspective on the evolution of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium: 1970-2021. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  85. L. Malmi, A. Hellas, P. Ihantola, V. Isomöttönen, I. Jormanainen, T. Kilamo, A. Knutas, A. Korhonen, M.-J. Laakso, S. López-Pernas, T. Poranen, T. Salakoski, J. Suhonen, Computing education research in Finland. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research, Springer, Cham, 2023.
  86. M. Apiola, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, The evolving themes of computing education research: Trends, topic models, and emerging research. In: Apiola, M., López-Pernas, S., Saqr, M. (Eds.). Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research. Springer, Cham, 2023.
  87. H. Vartiainen, S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, J. Kahila, T. Parkki, M. Tedre, T. Valtonen, Mapping students’ temporal pathways in a computational thinking escape room. In Hirsto, L., López-Pernas S., Saqr, M., Sointu, E., Valtonen, T. , Väisänen, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC22). CEUR-WS, 2023.
  88. S.A. Olaleye, I.T. Sanusi, S.S. Oylere, Improving performance, security and mobile money users experience: A study of service design. International Journal of Mobile Communications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 295-315, 2023.