1. V. Vellonen, E. Sointu, T. Valtonen, M. Tukiainen, Pre-service special education teachers’ perceptions of applying technologies in education. Journal of Special Education Technology, 2025.
  2. A. Kayanda, L. Busagala, M. Tedre, Evaluation of a timetabling software implemented in Tanzanian higher education context. The African Journal of Information Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, 2025.
  3. A.O. Sunday, F.J. Agbo, J. Suhonen, I. Jormanainen, M. Tukiainen, Co-designing to develop computational thinking skills in Nigeria using scratch. Education and Information Technologies, 2025.
  4. C. Schulte, S. Sentance, S. Sparmann, R. Altin, M. Friebroon-Yesharim, M. Landman, M.T. Rücker, S. Satavlekar, A. Siegel, M. Tedre, L. Tubino, H. Vartiainen, J. Á. VelÁzquez-Iturbide, J. Waite, Z. Wu, What we talk about when we talk about K-12 computing education. ITiCSE 2024: 2024 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2025.
  5. S. Hamouda, L. Marshall, K. Sanders, E. Tshukudu, O. Adelakun-Adeyemo, B.A. Becker, E.R. Dodoo, G.A. Korsah, S. Luvhengo, O. Ola, J. Parkinson, I.T. Sanusi, Computing education in African countries: A literature review and contextualized learning materials. ITiCSE 2024: 2024 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2025.
  6. A. Sunday, F. Agbo, J.Suhonen, I. Jormainainen, M. Tukiainen, Co-designing to develop computational thinking skills in Nigeria K-12 using Scratch. Education and Information Technologies, In press.
  7. N. Pope, J. Kahila, H. Vartiainen, M. Tedre, Children’s AI design platform for making and deploying ML-driven Apps: Design, testing, and development. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2025.
  8. S. López-Pernas, M. Saqr, M.Á. Conde, M. Apiola, M. Tedre, Mapping computer engineering education research: A topic analysis. Computer, 2025.
  9. M.H. Juma, N.R. Mramba, J. Suhonen, F.K. Kapinga, M. Tedre, Digital financial management skill training for women’s informal saving groups in Dodoma, Tanzania: Mapping user requirements. African Journal of Science, Technology and Development, 2025.